Thursday, June 20, 2024

Melodies of Memories: The Emotional Tapestry of Music


Music gives a soul to the universe. 

Wings to the mind,

Flight to the imagination, and 

Life to Everything...

Music is the most aesthetic, alluring, essential, and appealing part of our lives. It is the only universal language that has no boundaries. Nobody in this entire world has abandoned their love for music. Everybody enjoys the music, irrespective of their age. But have you ever wondered who invented the music? Music is as old as humanity itself. The very first musical instrument was most likely a human voice, which is full of musical songs like whistling, singing, humming, and clicking. Archeologists have dug up the first ancient instruments, like flutes made of swan mammoth bones, which were 30,000 years old. The Divje Babe Flute is the only instrument made by Neanderthals and the only ancient music language called "Cuneiform ". The oldest known song (Hurrian hymn no. 6) isn't nearly as old as the first instrument it's only about 3,500 years old. This reflects the origin of music in ancient times.

We all know how music has remained an absolute part of our lives, right from the moment we were born! I remember a song or lullaby where all the mothers and grandmothers show their kindness and affection for their children by saying( Limbonichya Zadamage Chandra Zopla g Bai!!)A lullaby of a mother personifying the moon sleeping peacefully, undisturbed in the shade of a lemon tree. Seeing the moon sleep, she rocks the crying child in her arms and tries to put the baby to sleep .!

When a child goes to school for the first time, his journey of education does not begin with the reading and writing of tons of pages; he first learns to observe and listen to his surroundings. Even on the first day of school, the child learns music through singing the National Anthem and early morning prayers and national songs. These songs and lyrics evoke the spirit of patriotism and strength of action through holding moral principles among the children! Many of us commute regularly, while music is our only companion. It gives the best relaxation to our mind and helps us let go of all the worries and unnecessary thoughts and escape into an imaginative world! Whenever we are lost in thought, we find ourselves in those tunes of music!

Music unites cultures together through the exchange of musical styles and influences. For instance, in India, there are numerous styles of music, some of which are classical, pop, gazals, bhajans, folk Carnatic, sugama sangeet, bahavageet, etc. In festivals like Dussehra and Navratri Mahotsav Every man and woman, irrespective of their identity, enjoys the music in Garba and Dandiya dance forms. Many youngsters from India are exploring many Korean pop cultural and Hollywood songs that give a glimpse of music in other parts of the world, as well as the recent example of "Gulabi Sadi," a Marathi form of music. Made history as the first Marathi song played in New York Times Square. Music has the wonderful power to unite people, families, and generations across the world and to show your culture on a global level.

Music stimulates creativity. Many people express themselves through music by playing an instrument, writing splendid lyrics, or singing with a melodious voice. These activities give serenity to the mind. Boost our intellectual energy so we can work more creatively and enthusiastically.

It has the power to reduce our trepidation and the strength to balance our moods and emotions.

To conclude the charm of this music, I would like to quote

" Music is a piece of art,

That goes in the ears

straight to the heart "

- Shreya Jathode

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जागतिक महिला दिन!

हा केवळ उत्सव नाही, तर इतिहासाच्या पानांवर ठसठशीत उमटलेली एक खूण आहे—स्त्रियांनी मिळवलेल्या यशाची, स्वातंत्र्याची, आत्मसन्मानाची आणि अजूनही ...