Tuesday, April 30, 2024

प्रिय आमुचा एक महाराष्ट्र देश हा!

     महाराष्ट्र... महान राष्ट्र.... महाराष्ट्राच्या बाहेर राहणाऱ्या लोकांना असं वाटूच शकतं किंबहुना असे  प्रश्न माझ्या कानावर आले देखील कि, फक्त महाराष्ट्रच "महा" का? महाराष्ट्रच महान राष्ट्र का? आता आपण महाराष्ट्राची महानता किती आणि कशी सांगायची!! तो आम्हाला प्रिय का, ह्याची किती कारणं द्यायची....

    सह्याद्रीचे दरी-खोरे, सातपुडा, दक्खन चे पठार, संपन्न समुद्र किनारा, यात वसतो आपला हा समृद्ध महाराष्ट्र देश. महाराष्ट्र म्हणजे संतांची कर्मभूमी...पुण्यभूमी!!! “ज्ञानदेवे रचिला पाया,तुका झालासे कळस!”  हे पाहिलेली...अनुभवलेली पवित्र माती. ह्यां सर्व  संतांची निस्वार्थ आणि निस्सीम भक्ती, त्यांची शिकवण आपल्याला माणूस म्हणून जगण्याचा खरा अर्थ सांगते. ह्या महाराष्ट्राचा मातीने आपल्याला हि संत परंपरा दिली आणि  संतांनी आयुष्यभर आपल्याला भरभरुन दिलं...!!! म्हणून… प्रिय अमुचा एक महाराष्ट्र देश हा!

      ह्या मातीने जशी भक्ती रुजवली, तशीच शक्ती सुद्धा वाढवली! परकीयांचे आक्रमण सोसले आणि मग ह्याच मातीने भक्ती आणि शक्ती ची सांगड घालून शिवाजी महाराजांना घडवले. त्यांनीच महाराष्ट्रात स्वराज्य निर्माण केले, जनतेचे राजे होऊन गेले! शिवाजी महाराजांनी महाराष्ट्राला आई चं स्थान दिला आणि तिचा संरक्षणासाठी आयुष्यभर लढले. भक्ती आणि शक्ती दोघांची सांगड घालून पुढचा पिढीसाठी आदर्श ठेवला. महाराज फक्त इतिहासापुर्तेच नाही तर ते आपल्या संस्कृतीत रुजले....संस्कारात रुजले आणि ह्या मातीत आपल्या मतीत स्वाभिमान रुजवला!!! म्हणून... प्रिय आमुचा एक महाराष्ट्र देश हा!

         नंतरच्या काळात म्हणजेच १७व्या शतकात ब्रिटिशांनी आक्रमण केलं, तेव्हा महाराजांचाच आदर्श डोळ्यासमोर ठेऊन ह्या मातीने शक्तीच्या रुपात अनेक देशभक्त घडविले. वासुदेव बळवंत फडके, तात्या टोपे,लोकमान्य टिळक, स्वातंत्र्यवीर सावरकर, विनोबा भावे, ज्योतिबा फुले ह्यांनी व ह्यांचा सारख्या अनेक जणांनी भारताच्या स्वातंत्र्यात मोलाचा वाटा उचलला. भारत मातेच्या रक्षणासाठी सरसावलेली हि वीर माती....म्हणून... प्रिय आमुचा एक महाराष्ट्र देश हा!

         स्वातंत्र्याचा आधी सुद्धा आणि नंतर सुद्धा एक गोष्ट चिरंतर काळासाठी टिकणार आहे ती म्हणजे इथली परंपरा, इथली संस्कृती!! खरा तर कागदोपत्री महाराष्ट्राची स्थापना १ मे १९६० रोजी झली; पण त्या आधी सुद्धा महाराष्ट्र होता, तिथली संस्कृती, तिथली परंपरा, तिथला इतिहास, तिथले संस्कार, तिथल्या लोकांनीच जपली, जोपासली! पश्चीमात्यकरणालाबरोबर घेऊन, संस्कृतीला न विसरता, अगदी सुंदर पद्धतीने त्यांची सांगड घातली! पेहराव, पाककृती, साहित्य, संगीत, ह्या आणि अशा कोणत्याही क्षेत्रात आपला महाराष्ट्र मागे राहिला नाहीये, आजच्या काळाचा खांद्याला खांदा लाऊन तो प्रगतीच्या पथावर चालत आहे. आणि हीच परंपरा, संस्कृती त्यांचा लिखाणाचा, संगीताचा, माध्यमातून अनेक वरिष्ठ आणि महान लेखकांनी, कवींनी, गीतकारांनी, जगापर्यंत पोहोचवली, दिली! दादासाहेब फाळके,लता मंगेशकर, रघुनाथ माशेलकर, सचिन तेंडूलकर,सुनील गावस्कर असे असंख्य रत्न ह्या भूमीने भारतालाच काय तर संपूर्ण जगाला दिले. म्हणून...प्रिय आमुचा एक महाराष्ट्र देश हा!

       आत्ताचा घडिला महाराष्ट्र आर्थिक दृष्ट्या भारतात पहिला आहे आणि हाच महाराष्ट्र भारताची ‘financial capital’ सुद्धा आहे. एवढच नाही तर भारतातली पहिली रेल्वे हि महाराष्ट्रातच सुरु झाही, मुंबई ते ठाणे. ह्या घटनेचा सुद्धा आपल्या आर्थिक प्रगतीत मोलाचा वाटा आहे! औद्योगिकदृष्ट्या सुद्धा भारतासाठी महाराष्ट्र श्रेयस्कर ठरला आहे! म्हणून...प्रिय आमुचा एक महाराष्ट्र देश हा!

     ह्या महाराष्ट्रातच विद्येच माहेरघर आहे. म्हणून उच्च शिक्षणासाठी विद्यार्थी महाराष्ट्रला प्राधान्य देतात. फक्त शिक्षणच नाही तर इथे चांगल्या नोकरीसाठी, मुंबई मध्ये चित्रपट सृष्टीच्या आकर्षणामुळे, सोयीस्कर व्यवसायामुळे, व्यापारामुळे, इथल्या शांत राहिनिमानामुळे,  इथे स्थाईक व्हायला प्राधान्य देतात. आणि आपला महाराशत्र त्यांना मोठ्या मानणे स्वीकारतो!! म्हणून...प्रिय आमुचा एक महाराष्ट्र देश हा!

    एकीकडे एलोरा, अजंटा, वेरूळ, विविध गड, किल्ले, तर एकीकडे वेगवेगळ्या रंगांने बहरलेला कास पठार;  माथेरान, महाबळेश्वर, लोणावळा सारखे निसर्गरम्य ठिकाणं, समृद्ध समुद्र  किनारा, अशा असंख्य निसर्गचा छटा अनुभवणारा असा हा निसर्ग संपंन्न आपला महाराष्ट्र!! म्हणून... प्रिय आमुचा एक महाराष्ट्र देश हा!

        अशा ह्या महाराष्ट्राने आपल्याला सतत खुप प्रेम दिलं, खूप शिकवलं, घडवलं, एकत्र जोडून ठेवलं, आणि सह्याद्री सारखं अभेद्य बनवलं!! दोन्ही हातांनी मनापासून सगळं दिलं. खरोखरच आपलं राष्ट्र महानच आहे! असा हा आपला प्रदेश...प्राचीन काळातील दंडकारण्या पासून ते आत्ताच्या महाराष्ट्रा पर्यंतचा प्रवासात पाहिलेला आणि घडविलेला इतिहास, जो आपल्या  वर्तमानातील साथ आहे आणि भविष्यातील आस आहे. भविष्यात सुद्धा ह्या मातीतून अनेक शास्त्रज्ञ, सैनिक, अधिकारी, खेळाडू, गायक, बाहेर पडून देशासाठी आपलं योगदान देतीलच....देशकार्यासाठी सदैव तत्पर असतीलच .....ती तर ह्या मातीची परंपराच!!!कारण....दिल्लीचेहि  तख्त राखितो महाराष्ट्र माझा!! म्हणून... प्रिय आमुचा एक महाराष्ट्र देश हा!

- Shatakshi Bhondwe 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

International Dance Day

Do you remember when we were kids and the moment any music used to start to play, we used to just dance wholeheartedly, not caring about who was looking, what the situation was, what type the music was, or what steps should've been taken? We just used to dance, not thinking about any negative possibility that would stop us from dancing and eventually stop us from being happy. Now, in this age, if any music starts to play, whether it may be the most dance-prone music like 'Naatu Naatu' or 'Shake it Off', that even motivates the listeners to dance by their lyrics, we will still think a thousand times before dancing, and eventually most of us won't dance even if we want to. This is just because we don't want to get into a situation where we will be judged by people for not dancing correctly, getting awkward in a group of talented dancers, and adding another moment to the 'embarrassing moments list'. But somewhere in these thoughts, we forget the fact that basically 'Dance' is an open art that is not designed to be perfect. It keeps getting better and better with practice. But these negative thoughts are keeping us away from the beautiful art of 'Dance'. These thoughts tend to change our mindset, and we start thinking that 'we can't dance, and dance is not our thing!' We start criticizing ourselves with that art, and we start avoiding the art.

Dance is an art that beautifully conveys a person's emotions, using different steps that involve the whole body and create a wonderful picture showing the amazing coordination between our mind, soul, emotions, legs, hands, brain, and complete body. Dance is an activity that can just take us out of our real-life stress for a while and make us enjoy the moment. Dance teaches us to live in the moment. And if we keep thinking about ifs and buts before expressing ourselves through this lively activity, then ultimately, we will keep getting more and more away from this art. Even if lots of us can't dance properly and accurately, we shouldn't directly stop performing this art. Dance is not limited to perfection; imperfection in dance can also be amazing because the ultimate reason for dance is the happiness 'we' get from performing it. That dance doesn't need to always aim for the attention or entertainment of the audience. Dance can also be a self-entertaining activity. It doesn't need to be presentable or loved by others. It's just the expression of a person in an art form. We should practice this art form for ourselves. We should consider dance as a self-activity and do it without caring about others' opinions on that, and believe me, we'll start enjoying dance henceforth. Dance is not only limited to performing it, but we can also enjoy, feel, have fun, experience its vibe, and completely live the art form to its fullest. And when we start to live and enjoy dance wholeheartedly, we'll also see its positive effects on our body, our health, and our mind! Because, after all, dance is also an exercise. And we don't overthink exercise much because it is beneficial for us and our mental and physical health. In the same way, exercise works, dance. Do it for yourself. Martha Graham says, "Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance. Great dancers are great because of their passion." Dance gives us happiness, motivates us, and clears our minds from the web of negative thoughts and stress, indirectly helping us to find solutions. James Brown says, "Dance and you'll feel better." Dance is a therapy that heals us! This therapy is more effective with the help of music!

Dance adds a different vibe of emotions and meaning to the music or song. It gives music a new shape and defines it differently. Dance brings grace to the music and enhances its scope. This relationship between dance and music is evergreen, and they will keep on growing together by complimenting each other with different styles as the eras change. As we see, the music of the 1950s and 1960s is completely different from the music of today. In the same way, we can also observe the differences between the dances of these eras. This shows how music and dance are changing together with the changes over the generations. The platforms for the presentation of dance forms have also changed. It was performed only on the stage platform earlier, and now platforms like social media and television are also providing huge scope for the dance forms along with the stage performances. Even if this art of dance has adapted to lots of changes, it has not disturbed its lively vibe. Still, we experience the same positive effects of dance. The changes in dance have not changed the art at all! The dance is still therapy and will remain forever! So let us not keep ourselves away from this therapy of dance!

- Shravani Rajguru

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Fiction and the Human Need to Weave Stories

Since childhood, as far back as my mind takes me, stories have been a constant in my life. When I was a kid, I needed a story to fall asleep every night. The narrator kept changing; most nights it was my mother, and some nights it was my grandmother. Slowly, as time went by, books and their protagonists became my narrators. But the stories remained an immovable, unshakeable part of life. I traversed different lands, met different people, walked in their shoes, loved them, hated them, and wanted to be them.

The human need to tell stories has always fascinated me. If you observe, you will realize that we are continuously and incessantly telling stories. The book you are reading is a story; the gossip shared between two friends is a story; the emails between two colleagues tell a story; even the lecture that your physics professor delivers on the discovery of gravity is a story. All around us, we keep telling each other things and passing on information. But that is not where we stop; we don't only tell stories; we also create stories.

Stories that aren't true, stories that are but figments of our imaginations. Why do you think we need these stories—these unreal tales of times untold? Why do we need a wizard to save the world, a hobbit to walk for miles, and a maddened lover to dig up the grave of his lost love? Why do we need to create these alternate realities? As someone who has always been drawn to fiction, the stories I read created magical worlds of unforeseen adventures and indomitable challenges. I haven't managed to escape the allure and charm of fiction, and I don't intend to.

I believe that humans are able to express themselves best through the lens of fiction. Without reality weighing down on our shoulders, we can write what we want, say the most outrageous things, live the most brilliant lives, do the most condemnable things, love, haunt, hurt, feel, and even kill. Fiction provides you with an escape from the mundane routine of life. We escape the horror of our mediocrity to revel in the brilliance of the characters. We find in fiction a sense of abandonment, some freedom that being tied to reality does not give us. The world of fiction allows the writer to be his truest self, preach the highest of morals, and fall to the lowest of depths. In Sparkling Redemption and harrHarrowinglGallows follow these characters 'fictional' stories. They fly and fall in their stories, and we fly and fall with them. The worlds built in these fictional stories are so much more fascinating and so much stronger than anything we read in the non-fictional realm.

I read somewhere that the ability to be affected by fiction is rooted in the inability to accept reality. When the actual world around us gets too bleak to breathe, fiction presents itself as a savior; it lets you breathe and helps you believe. This is not to say that fiction is always a comfort. I read somewhere that the purpose of art is to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. Many books, through their harrowing stories borrowed from the realities around us and the realities in our minds, disturb us when we need them the most. I believe that discomfort is an important emotion for humans. It is one of our greatest teachers. So, while most would like to believe that all fiction is about fairy lights and magical lands, that is far from the truth. And even in the magical lands that fiction takes us to, we learn things that cannot be learned elsewhere. This is why fiction and the need to create worlds not known to humans are so important. Storytellers and stories save us from the worst of ourselves, and while reality has the power to do so sometimes, fiction most definitely always delivers.

- Yugandhara Barve

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


दिलीप प्रभावळकर एक उत्कृष्ट सीने अभिनेते, दिग्दर्शक तसंच एक लेखक सुद्धा आहेत. त्यांनी त्यांच्या अभिनयाची छाप फक्त मराठी इंडस्ट्रीतच नव्हे, तर हिंदी इंडस्ट्रीमध्ये देखील यशस्वीरित्या उमटवली आहे.  'झपाटलेला' तील तात्या विंचू तर 'धरलं तर चावतय' मधील टोणग्या या त्यांच्या काही लोकप्रिय भूमिका आहेत. याचबरोबर त्यांनी 'तू तू मैं मैं ' सारख्या प्रसिद्ध मालिकांमध्येही विशेष भूमिका साकारून हिंदी इंडस्ट्री गाजवली आहे. दिलीप जी एक उत्कृष्ट अभिनेते व दिग्दर्शक तर आहेतच, शिवाय ते तितकेच गुणवान लेखक आहेत. त्यांचे अवतीभवती, गुगली, कागदी बाण, चूक भूल द्यावी घ्यावी, बोक्या सातबंडे हे लेखन प्रसिद्ध! ' बोक्या सातबंडे ' या पुस्तकासाठी 'बालसाहित्य पुरस्कार' संगीत नाटक अकादमीचा 'राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार' देखील प्राप्त झाला आहे. त्यांच्या 'बोक्या सातबंडे' या पुस्तकावर मराठी चित्रपट व 'अनुदिनी' या पुस्तकावर मराठी मालिका चित्रित करण्यात आले आहे.

मुळात अनुदिनी हे वास्तविक एक पुस्तक नसून एका डायरीचे स्वरूप वाटते! याचे कारण म्हणजे दिलीप जींचे मार्मिक, सोप्प, नाकासारखं सरळ व त्यांच्या एवढेच निर्मळ लेखन. त्यांनी अनुदिनी पुस्तकात खरोखर वैचारिक पात्रांची निर्मिती करून त्यांची रोजनिशी लिहिलेली आहे. आपापल्या परीने वाजवी आयुष्य जगण्याचा प्रयत्न करणारे एक मध्यमवर्गीय कुटुंब डायरी लिहिते, अशी कल्पना करून, त्यांच्या टीकाटिप्पणी मधून दिलीप जींने वर्षभरातल्या घटनांचा घेतलेला वेध म्हणजे अनुदिनी! तसं पाहिलं तर आजच्या काळात वासरी लेखन व पुस्तकात किंवा पुस्तकांच्या द्वारे डायरी लेखन म्हणजे दुर्मिळच! यावा श्री लेखनासाठी दिलीप प्रभावळकरांनी स्वप्नातून विचारात व विचारातून कागदावर (नंतर कागदावरून छोट्या पडद्यावर) उतरवलेले कुटुंब म्हणजे टिपरे कुटुंब. हा एक 'हम दो हमारे दो' वाला चौकोनी परिवारात आहे; पण त्याला साज चढवते त्यांच्या कुटुंबातील आश्चर्य 'आबा!' टिपरे परिवारात स्वतः आबा व त्यांचा मुलगा-सून व दोन नातवंड (एक नात , एक नातू) गुण्या - गोविंदाने नांदतात असे वाचकाला स्पष्ट होते. या पुस्तकात त्यांनी प्रत्येक पात्राची वेगळी रोजनिशी लिहिलेली आहे;  भले ते  वयोवृद्ध आबांचे पात्र म्हणून अथवा तरुण नातवाचे पात्र म्हणून असो.

दिलीप प्रभावळकरांनी स्वतः एका मुलाखतीत म्हटले होते की ते स्वतःला त्या पात्राच्या जागी ठेवून त्याच्याबद्दल लिहायचे रादर त्याच्याबद्दलचे लिहायचे. पुढे ते म्हणतात की त्यांना स्वतःला मुलगी आणि बहिण नसल्यामुळे त्या स्वतःलाच एक सून, एक बायको, एक मुलगी, एक बहीण.... समजून स्त्रीपात्रांबद्दलचे लिहायचे. डायरी लेखनात शक्यतो दिलीप जी प्रत्येक पात्राला होणाऱ्या त्रासाबद्दल, अडचणींबद्दल, स्तुती बद्दल, स्पर्धेबद्दल, लिहायचे ज्यामुळे वाचक वर्गाच्या काळजात घर केलं जायचं. ते पात्र समाजातील प्रत्येक घटकाचे उत्तरदायित्व करून स्वतःबद्दल बोलायचे ज्यामुळे वाचकाला त्याचं म्हणणं पटेल आणि वाचकाला 'आपल्या सोबतही असंच घडतं!' ही भावना निर्माण होईल.

उदा., आबांची डायरी लिहिताना सीनियर सिटीजनला होणारे त्रास, वाटणारी भीती, सहवास, त्यांच्यासोबत असलेला सुनेचा- मुलाचा व्यवहार....... अशा गोष्टी ते अधोरेखित करीत. तसंच मुलगा या भूमिकेबद्दल लिहिताना ते पुरुषांवरील कुटुंबाची जबाबदारी, बॉसची कटकट, वाढीव खर्च, मुलांचे हट्ट, बायको - वडिलांच्या मागण्या, बाप म्हणून मुलीबद्दल वाटणारी काळजी...... या गोष्टींचे समर्थन केले जायचे. सून बनून जेव्हा दिलीप जी लिहायचे तेव्हा ते महागाई, शेजारणींशी गप्पा - टप्पा, गृहकृत्यदक्षपणा, सासर्‍याला वडिलांसम मान देणे, नवऱ्याचा राग झेलणे, मुलांच्या आवडीनिवडी जपणे आणि त्यांचे मूळ सांभाळणे, कामवाल्या मावशिंसोबतचे संवाद, सासऱ्यांचे पथ्यपाणी सांभाळणे.... अशा गोष्टी नमूद करत. नातवंडांचे डायरी लिहिताना त्यांना वाटणारे आकर्षण, शाळा कॉलेजचे किस्से, कुमार वयात वाटणारे न्यूनगंड या बाबींचा आवर्जून उल्लेख करायचे. या पात्र वैशिष्ट्यांमुळे ' अनुदिनी 'लोकांच्या पसंतीस पडले. 

हे पुस्तक इतके प्रसिद्ध आणि लोकप्रिय झाले की २०००च्या काळात केदार शिंदे (सुप्रसिद्ध दिग्दर्शक) यांना यावर एक मालिका बनवावीशी वाटली. त्यांनी याबद्दल दिलीप जींची परवानगी घेतली आणि २००१ साली अनुदिनीवर आधारित मालिका प्रसारित झाली ज्याचे नाव होते श्रीयुत गंगाधर टिपरे. यातील मजेदार किस्सा हा की केदार शिंदे यांनी दिलीप जींना त्यांनीच लिहिलेली आबांची भूमिका साकारण्यास विनंती केली आणि दिलीप जींनी होकार भरला. मग आबांना केंद्रस्थानी ठेवून मालिका बनवली आणि या मालिकेलाही प्रेक्षकांचे चिरंतन आशीर्वाद व प्रेम मिळाले. 

- Aaryan Padhye

Monday, April 22, 2024

पडघवलीच्या वाटेवर...


काही पुस्तकं वाचताना आपण त्यातले शब्द वाचून आपल्या कल्पनाशक्तीच्या जोरावर डोळ्यासमोर ती चित्र रंगवत असतो पण काही पुस्तकं अशी असतात जी वाचकाला स्वतः मध्ये ओढूनच घेतात. आपण सुद्धा त्या कथेचे एक पात्र म्हणून जगत राहतो. वर्णन केलेले दृश्य जणू कोपऱ्यातून पाहत राहतो. असंच काहीसं होतं गो. नि. दांडेकर यांचे पडघवली हे पुस्तक वाचताना. 

     पुस्तक का भावलं या आधी आप्पा म्हणजे गो. नि. दांडेकर का भावतात हे लिहिणं महत्त्वाचं वाटतं. आपल्या प्रवासावर, प्रवासात भेटलेल्या माणसांवर, आलेल्या अनुभवांवर अगदी मनाचा ठाव घेणाऱ्या शब्दात लिहिणारे हे एक प्रकारे साहित्य क्षेत्रातील मला अवलिया वाटतात. त्यांच्या मी वाचलेल्या पुस्तकांमधून कायम ते फक्त एखादी गोष्ट नव्हे तर सत्य परिस्थिती आणि आयुष्याचे सार सांगण्याचा प्रयत्न करत आहेत असे वाटत राहते. अर्थात म्हणून ती गोष्ट कंटाळवाणी होते का किंवा समजण्यास क्लिष्ट वाटते का तर अजिबात नाही. 

      आपण अनोळखी ठिकाणी फिरायला जातो तेव्हा तिथली माणसं जशी आपल्याला त्या ठिकाणा बद्दल सांगत जातात तसंच काहीसं पडघवली या पुस्तकाबद्दल आहे. शीर्षकाबद्दल म्हणावं तर पडघवली हे महाराष्ट्राच्या कोकण प्रांतांतील दाभोळ जवळील एक गाव. त्या गावातील माणसं, त्यांचा इतिहास, त्या गावचा इतिहास, निसर्ग, प्रसंग अशा अनेक बाबींवर आधारलेले हे पुस्तक तुम्ही जन्मतः शहरात वाढलेले असलात, गाव म्हणजे नेमकं काय असं विचारणारे असलात तरी सुद्धा तुम्हाला एका खेडेगावाची सैर घडवून आणण्याची ताकद ठेवते. पुस्तकात नेमकं काय आहे हे आणखी सांगावं म्हटलं तर अख्खं पुस्तक सांगितल्या सारखं व्हावं त्यामुळे पुस्तक वाचून आपल्याला काय मिळतं हे सांगणं मला महत्त्वाचं वाटतं. 

       २५६ पानांची ही कादंबरी अंबा नावाच्या एका पात्राने एखादी गोष्ट सांगावी अशा स्वरूपात लिहिलेली आहे त्यामुळे हमखास हे पुस्तक वाचताना आपल्या आजीआजोबांनी आपल्याला एखादी त्यांच्या काळातील गोष्ट सांगावी आणि आपण त्यात रमून जावं असे भास होत राहतात. १९५५ साली प्रकाशित झालेले हे पुस्तक मुळात तेव्हाची गावं, आत्ताची गावं, बदलणारं स्वरूप अशा साऱ्यावर मौन भाष्य करून जातं असं मला वाटतं. कोकणात राहणाऱ्या, गावाकडल्या लोकांना आपलंस वाटावं असं हे पुस्तक "हल्ली बदललंय हो सगळं" असं म्हणणाऱ्यांच्या या बोलांचे साक्षीदार ठरतं. 

        कोकणातील समुद्रालगतची गावं सोडता इतर गावांची गाव म्हणून ओळख अजूनही टिकून आहे पण पैसापाण्यासाठी बाहेर गावी राहणाऱ्यांची संख्या दिवसागणिक वाढत जाते आहे. आपल्या आजी, आजोबा, काका, बाबा, आत्या यांच्याकडे त्यांच्या लहानपणीच्या आपल्या गावाबद्दलच्या आठवणी अनेक आहेत पण आपल्याकडे मोजून एक सुद्धा नाही. गावाचा देव नेमका कुठे हेच काय तर म्हणजे काय हे सुद्धा आम्हांला माहिती नाही. आमच्या आमच्या चार खोल्यांच्या फ्लॅट मध्ये आम्ही दोन माणसं राहतो त्यामुळे खालच्या आळीत राहणारे आणि मधल्या आळीत राहणारे कोण, त्यांचा आपला संबंध काय, त्यांच्याशी माणुसकीने राहणं म्हणजे काय हे आमच्या गावीच नाही. अशा कोरड्या जगात जगणारे आपण सगळे आणि अशावेळी माणसामाणसातील आत्मीयता किंवा काही प्रसंगी उद्भवणाऱ्या छोट्या मोठ्या कुरबुरी दाखवत, कोकणातल्या निसर्गाची आपल्यावर मुक्त उधळण करत पडघवली काही क्षणांपुरता तरी आपलं जग भावनांनी गजबजवून टाकते. 

         पडघवलीची वाट मी जरा उशीराच धरली पण मनाने तिथून परतले नाही. सिमेंटच्या जगात हरवलेले आपण हल्ली अशा सुंदर साहित्यापासून सुद्धा दुरावलेले आहोत याची खंत वाटते त्यामुळे पुस्तक समिक्षा अशी नव्हे पण हा लेख आणखी किमान ५ जणांसाठी पडघवलीच्या वाटेवरचा वाटाड्या ठरेल इतकीच छोटी आशा.

- Maitreyee Sunkale

पत्रास कारण की.....

' पत्रास कारण की ' या पुस्तकाचे लेखक - आदरणीय व सुप्रसिद्ध  'अरविंद जगताप ' आहेत. अरविंद जगताप  हे एक बहुआयामी व्यक्तिमत्त्व आहे. ते विख्यात कवी, गीतकार आणि लेखक आहेत. त्यांनी अनेक मराठी चित्रपटांचे कथालेखन केलेले आहे. त्यांच्या लेखनातून आपल्याला वास्तवाचे भान आढळते; रादर त्यांच्या लेखनातून सामाजिक समस्यांचे चित्रण होते. त्यांचे लेखन जणू समाजाचा एक आरसाच आहे. असं म्हणतात की 'चांगला वाचक चांगला लेखक होऊ शकतो!' अरविंद जगताप स्वतः एक चोखंदळ वाचक आहेत, हे त्यांनी लेखनात वापरलेल्या शब्द संपत्ती वरून दिसून येते.

'पत्रास कारण की....' हे त्यांचे सर्वात प्रसिद्ध व रंजक पुस्तकांपैकी एक पुस्तक आहे; रादर हे पुस्तक नसून मनुष्याच्या भावनांचा साठा शब्दांकित करून एकत्र मांडलेला आहे, असे मला वाटते. 'पत्रास कारण की.....' मध्ये अरविंद जगताप यांनी लिहिलेल्या शेकडो पत्रांचा संग्रह आहे. यातील पत्रे शब्दालंकारांनी नटलेली आहेत. प्रत्येक पत्र 'जगावं कसं?' याची शिकवण देते. एक अन् एक पत्र हे परस्पर विरुद्ध असून वेगळा संदेश पोहोचवते. यातील खासियत ही की अरविंद जगताप यांनी प्रत्येक पत्र वेगळं पात्र समजून लिहिलेले आहे. त्यांनी एक लेखक म्हणून स्वतःला भिन्न-भिन्न पात्रांना समजून स्वतःला त्या पात्राच्या भूमिकेच्या अग्रस्थानी ठेवलेले आहे आणि मग पत्र लिहिलीत. यामुळे हा संग्रह वैविध्यपूर्ण होतो.अरविंद जगताप पात्र समजून पत्र लिहितात; यामुळे ती पत्र इतकी वास्तवदर्शी वाटतात की वाचकाला वाटते, जणू ही आपणच कुणासाठी तरी लिहितोय किंवा जणू आपल्या करताच कोणीतरी पत्र लिहिले. अबोल वाचकांना असे वाटते की आपल्या भावनांना शब्द फुटलेत आणि कुणीतरी आपल्या मनातील विचार कागदावर अंकित केलेले आहेत. त्यांची हीच 'पात्र बनून पत्र' लिहिण्याची तऱ्हा वाचकांना आवडते.

या पुस्तकातील प्रत्येक पत्र वाचायला आपण प्रेरित होतो; रादर अरविंद जगताप यांचे लेखन आपल्याला पत्र वाचाव यास भाग पाडते. प्रत्येक पत्र वाचल्यावर आपल्याला आयुष्याचा, समजाचा एक- एक पैलू उलगडत जातो. सगळीच पत्र आपल्या मनावर त्यांचा छाप उमटवतात. यातून अरविंद जगताप एक अष्टपैलू व्यक्तिमत्व आहेत याची जाणीव होते. एक अन् एक पत्र वाचल्यावर अरविंदजींना प्रत्येक विषयाबद्दल केवढं सखोल ज्ञान आहे आणि विविध माहिती आहे याची प्राप्ती होते. त्यांचे लेखन फक्त ललित व साहित्यिक या विषयांची निगडित नसून राजकीय, वैचारिक, भौगोलिक.... अशा असंख्य विषयांवर आधारित असते, यामुळे वाचकाचा सर्वांगीण विकास होतो व त्याचेही ज्ञान विस्तारित होते. त्यांचा हा पत्रांचा संग्रह वाचायला वयाचे बंधन नाही; किंबहुना हे वयाच्या चौकटीच्या पल्याड आहे. सीनियर सिटीजन, वर्किंग पोप्यूलेशन तसंच लहान/कुमारवयीन मुले देखील पत्र वाचू शकतात. ही पत्र वाचताना कोणीही इतका गुंतून जातं की त्यांना वेळेचा विसर पडतो. याचबरोबर पुस्तक बंद करताना वाचकाची अमूल्य भेट; त्याच्या डोळ्यातील पाणी पुस्तकात बंदिस्त होते, कोरले जाते.

- Aaryan Padhye

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Missing Women in the Indian Economy

In a country like India, where our finance minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, is a woman, is it right to say that women are missing in the Indian economy? Of course, it is, and here are the reasons.

According to the World Bank, the global labor force participation rate for women is just 50% compared to 80% for men. Women are less likely to work in formal employment and have fewer opportunities for business expansion or career progression due to family responsibilities. Even if women work, they earn less than men. When women reach their mid-30s and 40s, it is found that their earnings dip compared to men in the same position and profession. Women are not involved in paying jobs as much as men are, and the labor force participation rate gives an idea about this.

If India has the largest population in the world, then why are women missing in the workforce? India is a developing country, Indian households are not rich enough to comfortably subsist on one income; the country’s per capita GDP is less than $2,400, just one-fifth of the world average. Is it because women lack access to education? In India, educated women are less likely to find employment. College enrollment has soared since the turn of the century, yet women’s participation in the workforce has been on a steady decline until very recently. One of the reasons why women don’t participate in the workforce is because 99% of Indian women eventually get married, and women are expected to do nearly all of the housework, for which they are not paid. Only 6% of men report doing any cooking, and 8% do at least some cleaning. More women spent time cooking and cleaning resulting in less time for paid labor. This is one of the main reasons we see women doing part-time work rather than a full-time job. In 73 countries (based on 2018 data), women outnumber men in part-time work. A World Bank report says, “Women earn 77 cents for every dollar a man earns.” The International Labor Organization terms gender pay as a measurable indicator of inequality between women and men. Now the question is, is this situation the same among all developing economies? The answer is no. If we take a look at Bangladesh, there are a lot of similarities between India and Bangladesh, but women's workforce participation in Bangladesh is much higher than in India. This is because of the relationship between women’s work and GDP. It is generally called the U-shaped relationship between female labor force participation and GDP per capita. Levels of female labor force participation are high for the poorest countries generally, where agriculture is the dominant sector and women often participate in small-holder agriculture work, such as Bangladesh. Women’s participation in the workforce is lower in middle-income countries, which have much smaller shares in agriculture, such as India. Finally, among high-income countries, female labor force participation is again higher, accompanied by a shift towards a service sector-based economy and higher education levels among women, such as in the USA. India as a country is stuck at the bottom of this U curve. Dr. Alice Evans of Kings College London calls the “Patrilineal Trap,” that is, wages are barely high enough that families can scrape by on one income but not high enough to draw women back to the workplace. From the above discussion, we can see that women are trapped between low wages and suffocating social norms. They do go to college and want to work, but society pulls them back. Today, India is the 5th largest economy with 6% growth, yet this growth has failed to create jobs. Economists call the number of new jobs produced for every 1% change in GDP "the “elasticity of labor." It is reported that between 2011 and 2019, the Indian labor force grew by 0.26%, imputing an elasticity of 0.04, which means virtually zero jobs were created over 10 years. This results in fierce competition for every last paid job.

The East Asian Model is about a rapid progression from agriculture to manufacturing to services in this order. It worked for Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and China. India, on the other hand, missed this memo. India jumped from agriculture to services, skipping manufacturing, as it was difficult for India, after liberalization in the 1990s, to compete with Chinese factories. As Indian farmers have been on a steady decline, usually it is expected that all these farmers will become factory workers, which is one labor-intensive industry replaced with another. But in India, manufacturing hasn’t absorbed these displaced farmers hence, we often see Indians working as construction laborers. But what about women? In East Asia, where manufacturing replaced agriculture, women became factory workers, which slowly influenced social expectations and afforded them newfound freedom. Whereas in India, women were pushed out of farming but discouraged from taking construction. A few lucky women secured lucrative service jobs. But the vast majority simply left the labor market altogether. This is one of the reasons why women in Bangladesh work at much higher rates, as many factories provide them with a socially accepted place to do so, whereas India has no such scale. By merely employing women at the same rates as men, according to Bloomberg, India’s economy could grow by nearly a third by 2050.

The World Economic Forum releases the Global Gender Gap Index annually, which benchmarks the current state and evolution of gender parity across four key dimensions: economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival, and political empowerment. This index ranked India at 127 out of 146 countries in 2023. India’s score stands at 68.4%, indicating a modest improvement of 0.3% points compared to the previous year. According to the report, India’s progress in economic participation and opportunity remains a challenge, with only 36.7% gender parity achieved in this domain. The report also mentions that there is a slight drop in the representation of women in senior positions and technical roles. India has improved by 1.4 percentage points and eight positions since the last edition. But it will take many more years to achieve full gender parity.

Things are changing, though at a slow pace but the increasing presence of women as entrepreneurs has led to significant business and economic growth in the country.  Women entrepreneurs such as Namita Thapar-executive director of Emcure Pharmaceuticals, Vineeta Singh-CEO and co-founder of Sugar Cosmetics, Ghazal Alagh- CEO and co-founder of Mamaearth, Radhika Gupta- CEO of Edelweiss Asset Management and the list goes on, they all have inspired millions of people.  Women-owned business enterprises are playing a prominent role in society by generating employment opportunities in the country, bringing in demographic shifts, and inspiring the next generation of women founders. Women's participation in the labor force is not only a matter of gender equality but also essential for economic growth and development.

- Savani Mane



Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Utilizing Semiconductors as the Brains of Modern Technology

Technically, semiconductors are the brains of modern-day electronics; they are in the form of chips, which are present in every circuit board of any electronics in the world. They are everywhere, from mobile phones to home appliances, from cars to our modern-day weapons. Their unique ability lies in their conductivity, which falls between conductors (like metals) and insulators (like rubber). This allows them to control the flow of electricity in a way that other materials can't. This means today’s life is just not possible without these chips. Which makes it a very strategic asset geopolitically as well as economically. Let’s look at the economic importance and geopolitical challenges of the semiconductor industry's progress in India till now, from the very beginning, and India’s expected future growth in the global semiconductor market.

Chip-making is quite decentralized all over the world. Unlike their name, they are not very easy to make. Chipmaking has three major processes: designing, manufacturing, and assembling. Designing and manufacturing can produce big bucks; that’s where the skill is, and by extension, that’s where the money is. Even more than manufacturing, designing holds a lot more importance all over the world. Like oil, not all countries can make chips. In the field of design, the United States holds a share of 46% all over the world, which is declining but is the highest as compared to any other country in the world. The United States is followed by Japan and then the rest of the countries. In terms of manufacturing, Taiwan is the global center for chip manufacturing, producing up to 50% of the chips globally, followed by South Korea (17%), Japan (9%), and China (5%). The final step is ‘assembling’ which, in simple words, is putting the chips inside devices where China is miles ahead of India. They have more factories, so they assemble more devices. Looking at how big this chip market is, in 2022 it was around 570 billion dollars and is projected to be a 1 trillion-dollar market by the end of this decade. Therefore, it is a very lucrative business, and the potential is immense. That’s the reason why all countries are rushing to capitalize. Let's examine India's position in the semiconductor industry. India's semiconductor market was estimated to be worth 27 billion dollars in 2022, and it is projected to grow to 55 billion dollars by 2026.  India had high aspirations for 2021, anticipating the establishment of twelve semiconductor factories throughout the nation. It is reasonable to conclude that this didn't occur. India did, however, attempt to join this market. To entice investors, the government unveiled a set of incentives. Ten billion dollars were invested, yet the program had a flaw. Businesses had a 45-day window in which to apply; those who failed to do so would not be eligible. As a result, it had relatively little success. In the same year, the Indian government began a business division called India Semiconductor Mission (ISM) that aims to establish a semiconductor and display ecosystem.

The mission had a financial outlay of Rs. 76,000 crores under the Ministry of Electronics and IT (MeitY).  In 2023, the government reopened the window, and this time there was no deadline so that the companies could apply until the 10 billion dollars were used up. After that, one major deal was signed between Foxconn (a Taiwanese semiconductor company) and Vedanta (a leading natural resources company). They were setting up a plant in Gujrat; the project was worth 19.5 billion dollars. Foxconn had the technology, and Vedanta understood the raw material needs. It was a good start, but the key was to build on it. That joint venture collapsed in August last year because they lacked a technology partner. But this year, there have been some advancements. This year, New Delhi approved three projects worth around 15 billion dollars. The first project is a semiconductor fabrication plant; it will be India’s first fabrication plant. It is set up by Tata Group and Taiwan’s power chip; it is to be set up in Dholera, Gujrat, and the project costs around 10 billion dollars. The official website of the Indian Semi-Conductor mission mentions six visions and Goals. It is expected to produce 3 billion chips every year. Now they won’t be just AI chips, but they will be able to power many things, like high-power computers and EVs. The second is a chip assembly plant worth $3.2 billion. Set up by the Tata group in Assam. It will be India’s third semiconductor unit, and once ready, it will have the ability to produce 48 million chips every day. Lastly, the third is a chip packaging facility. It will be set up by CG Power in Gujrat’s Sanand; the company partners with a Japanese company called Renesas Electronics. The project cost is expected to be 7,600 crores. It will make specialized chips for the use of defenses and space. As you can see now, there are three big projects, billion-dollar investments, and international partners. These factors are quite evident, indicating that India has taken semiconductors very seriously and wants to become a big player to compete with Taiwan and China. Not only that, last year India announced a 2.75-billion-dollar micron facility; this was during PM Modi’s visit to the United States. The plant is to be ready by the end of this year. Taiwan’s Foxconn is planning to make a chip-making facility; the United States’ AMD is also investing nearly 400 million dollars in India; it is setting up its largest global design center here.

Talking about the Semi-Conductors mission, the Press Information Bureau elaborates, India Semiconductor Mission (ISM) has been set up as an independent business division within Digital India Corporation. ISM has all the administrative and financial powers and is tasked with the responsibility of catalyzing the Indian semiconductor ecosystem in manufacturing, packaging, and design. ISM has an advisory board consisting of some of the leading global experts in the field of semiconductors. ISM is serving as the nodal agency for efficient, coherent, and smooth implementation of the program for the development of semiconductor and manufacturing ecosystems in India. The vision of ISM is to build a vibrant semiconductor and display design and innovation ecosystem to enable India’s emergence as a global hub for electronics manufacturing and design in a more structured, focused, and comprehensive manner through various mechanisms. A long-term strategy for developing semiconductors and display manufacturing facilities in India is being developed in consultation with government ministries, industry, and academia. The strategy aims to facilitate the adoption of trusted electronics, support early-stage start-ups, promote indigenous intellectual property, and facilitate collaborations. The strategy also considers geopolitical factors, such as Taiwan's dominance in chip manufacturing and the massive local demand for these chips, as India is the most populous country globally. China dominates the chip market, with a market worth around 192 billion dollars, seven times India's. India faces challenges in entering and leaving the market, as it is difficult to enter and leave. The current political situation in India requires political maturity and wise geopolitical decisions. The semiconductor market is like a cartel, and India may be stuck in a US-dominated grouping with labor standards, green targets, and anti-corruption measures. India should focus on new strategies, such as leveraging ties with the US and Japan and focusing on designing chips. India should also focus on AI chips, which are crucial for AI development and deployment. Setting up the chip industry is a long-term process that can take decades.

I’ll conclude by saying that India has shown significant growth in the field of manufacturing semiconductors. It is up for becoming a global player and has started establishing the very base for the production of Semi-Cons. As you can see, 2023 was the year when major investments and plans were made for the growth of the semiconductor industry. If India gets into the chip market, it has to face all the conditions given by the United States, and if it doesn't, India will fall back in the race. Semi-conductors are the new oil, and sitting on the sidelines is not an option. First of all, India is supposed to invest more in design than manufacturing, considering the abundance of skilled workers and massive local demand. Even if there is growth in the industry, the growth must encompass the latest technology, unlike India, which is trying to form a base for developing chips and not AI chips. Producing semiconductors is not an easy task; it has very fragile market conditions, and carelessness or poor strategies might end up in an irreversible catastrophe. Therefore, the government as well as the political wing of the country have to make mature decisions to lead the semiconductor industry.

- Soham Sonar


जागतिक महिला दिन!

हा केवळ उत्सव नाही, तर इतिहासाच्या पानांवर ठसठशीत उमटलेली एक खूण आहे—स्त्रियांनी मिळवलेल्या यशाची, स्वातंत्र्याची, आत्मसन्मानाची आणि अजूनही ...