Friday, March 24, 2023

काय भुलला वरिलीया रंगासी

अनेक गोष्टींमध्ये आपली कधी ना कधी कुणाबरोबर तुलना ही होतेच. कधी ती आपण करतो, तर कधी आपल्या आजुबाजूची लोकं. बऱ्याच जणांना असेही वाटते की आपण तेव्हाच स्वतःला सिद्ध करू शकू जेव्हा आपण सगळ्या बाजूंनी पूर्णत्व साधू. या बाबतीतच थोडं.....

काय भुलला वरिलीया रंगासी 
पट्टी आंधळी बांधुनी डोळ्यांसी,
संपन्न, परिपूर्ण कोण असते?
सौंदर्य खरे हे मनासी शोभते ।।

तर्क-वितर्क लावी जो तो
प्रथमदर्शनी भुलतो कधी तो,
अंतरंग हे असे सतरंगी 
त्यात मन हे बहू अतरंगी ।।

साऱ्यांचे जरी एकच गाणे
तरी गाती विविध तराणे,
वृत्ती साऱ्यांचीच निर-निराळी,
किती प्रकारे वेग-वेगळी!

तुलनेत सारे जग हे रमते
कुणी कोणाच्या डोळ्यात खुपते,
प्रत्येकाच्या अनेक कमतरता 
झाकून टाकी एक गुणवत्ता ।।

कुणाचे कशात निघते प्राविण्य 
कुणा बुद्धिमत्ता तर लाभते कधी लावण्य,
परि पूर्णत्वाची कास धरण्याचा हा ध्यास,
क्षणिकतेचा परि उरे आभास ।।

आयुष्य हे असे असावे
ज्याच्यासाठी त्याने जगावे,
स्वच्छंदी होऊनी असे विहरणे
जणू स्वतःतील मीच गवसणे ।।                                                                   
~ चैत्राली

Thursday, March 23, 2023

What Kind of a Woman Are You?


You asked what kind of a woman I am, and I don't know how to answer that...

What kind of a woman you want to be is an easier question to answer...
But I'll try answering both these questions today...
I am a shy woman...
I won't lie...
There are times I wished I wasn't...
Low and timid voice...
I need to be 'loud' to be heard...
I wish I had a deeper voice, a more confident personality...
I am a little bit of a romantic...
I romanticize most things I see...
Broken down houses and falling petals...
Wind in my hair and twinkling city lights...
Dried roses in my books...
I would like to be more practical...
I guard my heart and I don't wear it on my sleeve
I keep it wrapped in sheets of ice...
I wonder sometimes if I am an unkind woman...
I am selfish and I know that...
I would like to be a more giving woman...
Give more time and give more love...
And I am tiring...
I wear down people...
A little too curious for my own good...
I will try and peep...
And I will try to get to know you...
You and your secrets...
I will rarely open my heart though...
I am scared of it, you know...
But if I let you in my heart, I would like you stay...
I will guard you like I guard my secrets...
For I wrap my heart in ice sheets...
But I would like to believe my heart is a flower valley...
I hope you'd like to stay...

~ Yugandhara Barve

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Kindness Is My Weapon

At 7,

When you're in school,
And you miss your parents,
Kindness dodges you
At the playground,
And offers you,
A tiffin-packed Maggie,
With an extra found eclairs in the bag.

At 15,
You've an important exam lined up,
And you forgot to bring your watch to the hall,
Kindness doesn't betray you,
Rather it consumes the boy
Who sits just ahead of you,
And tell him to let you show the watch
By keeping it in the middle of the bench.
(You thank him, and he says, it's okay.)

At 20,
You break up with a boy,
Who promised you a forever,
And you sit on the swing in the park,
Almost welled up.
A little girl eating cotton candy
Pulls you of the swing,
And asks you, "shall I caress your hair, so that you stop crying?" My maa does that every time.
You hold her hand,
And whisper, "you're too empathetic."
She makes a weird face,
And tells you that "I'm not empathetic, I'm kind."
You laugh, and she smiles.

At 25,
You help your friend with her presentation,
And when she gets validated,
She doesn't thank you,
Rather she takes all the credit,
And you loathe in self-pity.
So you remember,
How your friends suggest you,
To stop being kind to those,
Who aren't kind to you.
You snap,
And tell them,
How a dog in your apartment
Helped a boy from drowning,
Despite the boy always threw stones at him,
And pulled his tail.
You go home, and underline the statement you wrote in your art journal,
After watching wonder,
"If given a choice between being right or being kind. Choose kind."
You smile wide, and it feels like a revolution.

At 30,
Your therapist asks you "why are you here?"
"I don't know," you say, looking at the sunflower painting stuck right behind her.
She pats your back,
Tears roll down your eyes,
And you tell her,
That "it's hard to be kind to people who stab you in the back. I've had enough of the word kindness."
Your legs are restless,
So you drink three glasses of water straight away.
She looks at you, empathetically,
And quotes, "kindness never betrays you. So use it as a weapon"
You leave the meeting midway,
And shout to yourself,
"Kindness is my weapon."
"Kindness is my weapon."
"Kindness is my weapon."
It feels liberating,
So you sharp your kindness,
As sharp as a knife,
And eats inhumanity,
One plate at a time.


Tuesday, March 21, 2023

आभाळाच्या मनातही


अनेकदा अवकाळी पाऊस येतो. आपण सगळेच जण यावर काही ना काही आपली टिप्पणी देत राहतो. अनेकदा आपल्या आजूबाजूची शांत व्यक्ती अचानक काही बोलून जाते, करून जाते आणि आपण त्यावरही आपली टिप्पणी देत राहतो. 

थोडं या बाबतीतच.

आभाळाच्या मनातही 
खूप काही साचलं होतं
पावसाच्या रूपाने त्याने 
मन मोकळं केलं होतं

इतके दिवस पाहिलेलं
गपगुमान अनुभवलेलं
कुठेतरी लागलेलं
खोल कुठे सललेलं
आभाळाच्या मनातही खूप काही साचलं होतं.....

भय होतं बहुदा त्यास 
कोणाशीही बोलण्याचं
भडाभडा बोलून टाकणं
त्याला काही जमलं नव्हतं
आभाळाच्या मनातही...

पाऊस झाला त्याचा मार्ग
आभाळ मुक्यानेच बोलत होतं
न सांगता कुणा काहीच समजत नाही
हे त्या वेड्यास कुठे माहित होतं?

ठायीच नसतं आपल्या कधी
तेही सहन करत असेल
आपल्याला हसताना दिसतंय
ते स्वतःच स्वतःशी झगडत असेल 

कोणास ठाऊक किती दिवस 
हे असंच चालू राहील
आतल्या आत धुमसणारं आभाळ
असंच कायम बरसत राहील...

~ मैत्रेयी मकरंद सुंकले

Monday, March 20, 2023

Making 2023 India's Year

  2023 will be India's year. This year New Delhi has been the capital for global diplomacy the key reason being India's G20 presidency and the whole world is looking at us with great hope . This as we know is because of India's growing interest in global affairs that India being a member of the top 20 economies in this world is now leading the presidency of G20; a presidency of hope , healing and harmony. G20 serves as a forum for international economic cooperation representing two-thirds of the world's population 90% of global GDP and 80% of global trade. It can shape the future of global economy and this is why it matters.

India is in a position to set the agenda for the group and the world and the opportunity could not have come at a better time, the world is in a state of flux. G20 has to grapple with many pressing problems :- Russia's war in Ukraine , climate change , western sanctions on energy and resources, an impending global recession and the fears of a new pandemic wave. As the president for G20 India will have to put forth the agenda and get consensus in an increasingly divided world, which seems like an impossible task when every country is driven by its own interests. Most importantly to emphasize on the fact that national interests should be handled with international responsibility .

India's G-20 Presidency places multilateral reform as one of its top presidential priorities as India stated that its agenda would be inclusive, ambitious, action-oriented, and decisive. Presently, the world is going through a polycrisis. Food, fuel, and fertilizers have engulfed various countries and led to the disruption of supply chains. India has the trust and legitimacy and bridges of partnership across all of the corners of the world . Many of today’s problems need global solutions and global cooperation. However, we should also acknowledge the limitations of multilateral cooperation. To overcome the trust, legitimacy and utility crises of multilateralism, the world requires a model, and the G-20 can be one to fit the purpose, the group needs to be more inclusive without sacrificing efficiency.

Focus on areas that have the potential to bring structural transformation, including supporting small and medium-sized enterprises in global trade, promoting labour rights and welfare, addressing the global skills gap, and building inclusive agricultural value chains and food systems. Efforts to reform multilateralism and create a more accountable, inclusive, and representative international system that is fit for addressing 21st century challenges.

"Even if the world is in a deep crisis , we can still progress and make the world a better place this is what the world needs today. Shared knowledge that helps us overcome our circumstances, and shared prosperity that reaches the last person at the last mile." As our prime minister said these words as India assumed the presidency he emphasized on the proverb "vasudhaiva kutumbakam - one earth, one family, one future . " It's India's pitch that's ambitious but it is worth pursuing .

India being the president of G20 and by the virtue of being president it can enjoy certain powers like inviting the countries which are not a part of the group . With this one small move , we can establish better international relations and development an inclusive and multidimensional strategic partnership with these countries . Getting the presidency is not important but how we use it matters the most. It's is a chance to show the world who we are. The world shows how we fail very easily. But the truth is we are making huge leaps in green energy , our fintech is one of the most advanced globally but we never show our accomplishments , we focus on our shortcomings and failures and through the G20 presidency we can show the world that we are a leader and a peacemaker for countries.
Today India has a chance to bring these issues forward , to share our stories and solutions with the world and most importantly take talks towards equitable solutions . India’s participation in the G20 process stems from the realization that as a major developing economy India has a vital stake in the stability of the international economic
and financial system and can help in initiating and expanding international relationships with the world through inclusive development and Multilateralism .

                                               - Vaadasabha Member 
                                                 Harshata Gotephode 

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Holi - The Festivals of Colours

 India, as a nation with many different languages, ethnicities, traditions, ideologies, cultures, beliefs, religions, etc has a plethora of festivals throughout the year. It is truly land and a unit of diversity.

It is a land of fairs and festivals. India is the  land that represents the blending of diversities, beliefs, and cultural celebrations we call "festivals". Holi, the celebration of hues, marks the onset of goodness, prosperity and positivity with spring every year. Holi is a festival celebrated with colours that represent the power of love and the triumph of good over evil and for many, a festive day to meet others, play and laugh, forget and forgive, and repair ruptured relationships.

The saga of Holi celebration goes on for two days. On the first evening, which is called and celebrated as Holika Dahan, where rituals and offerings are performed near a bonfire to destroy the inner and outer evils residing in this world, followed with offerings of sweets and other delicacies. Holi, to some people, is the festival of love shared by Radha and Krishna – a form of love that needs no specific name, form or shape. To others, it is a story of how the good in us always emerges victorious over the evil . This is considered as an offering to the lord Narsimha. The story is based on the power of faith, inspired by the story of Prahlad. . Each Holi colour signifies a special emotion that transcends the brightly coloured faces of people to a sentiment of community, equality and oneness.

Holi means recognising that life is a very exuberant process. This is the day people are covered head to toe in all kinds of colours to symbolise that the essence of life is this exuberance .Holi is a festival of love and happiness, in which we shed animosity, greed, and hatred in order to embrace a new life of love and togetherness.It is also a festival of harmony where friends and relatives get together in the evening or visit their friends, family and neighbours and greet them with colors and sweets.  People hug each other on Holi and give a new beginning by forgetting all the hatreds and sorrows.

The true charm of Holi is that age is no barrier when it comes to sharing and enjoying this special time. All in all the air is abuzz with fun and excitement. Holi is a festival of love, universal brotherhood, and goodwill among individuals and communities. 

The festival of Holi finds a place not only in our real life but also in art, media and music as various songs, movies and shows mention Holi with diverse forms and references. More often than not, people embrace this occasion to wipe memories of hurt and anguish and replace them with brotherhood, kindness and enjoyment. People across the barriers of age, generations, caste and creed become a part of the celebrations in all their colors.

In recent times, the spirit of Holi has lost its charm due to the excessive use of intoxication, artificial and potentially harmful color and other irresponsible incidents. It is, thus, necessary to keep the “fun” alive but also preserve the festival for what it signifies – love, happiness and the sustenance of good over evil!

- Vaadasabha Member 

Harshata Gotephode


जागतिक महिला दिन!

हा केवळ उत्सव नाही, तर इतिहासाच्या पानांवर ठसठशीत उमटलेली एक खूण आहे—स्त्रियांनी मिळवलेल्या यशाची, स्वातंत्र्याची, आत्मसन्मानाची आणि अजूनही ...