Monday, November 18, 2024

मतदानाचा हक्क, तुमची ताकद!

लोकशाहीचा खरा अर्थ म्हणजे लोकांनी लोकांसाठी निवडलेल्या प्रतिनिधींच्या माध्यमातून चालणारे सरकार. आपल्या देशातील प्रत्येक नागरिकाला संविधानाने मतदानाचा हक्क दिला आहे. हा हक्क फक्त एक अधिकार नाही, तर एक जबाबदारी आहे, जी आपल्या देशाच्या भवितव्याला आकार देते. सरकारी निर्णयांवर व्यक्ती प्रभाव टाकू शकतील, अशा सर्वांत महत्त्वाच्या मार्गांपैकी एक म्हणजे मतदान. मतदान म्हणजे कार्यालयासाठी किंवा एखाद्या समस्येच्या प्रस्तावित निराकरणासाठी उमेदवाराची पसंती व्यक्त करण्याचा औपचारिक मार्ग. मतदान प्रामुख्याने राष्ट्रीय किंवा प्रादेशिक निवडणुकीसाठी होते; मात्र स्थानिक व लहान सामुदायिक निवडणुकाही सरकारमधील वैयक्तिक सहभागासाठी तितक्याच महत्त्वाच्या ठरतात. 15 ऑगस्ट 1947 रोजी भारत स्वतंत्र झाला आणि 26 जानेवारी 1950 रोजी भारतीय संविधान लागू झाले. संविधानातील सर्वात महत्त्वाचे तत्त्व म्हणजे सार्वत्रिक मताधिकार. या अधिकारामुळे साधा सामान्य माणूस असो वा श्रीमंत, उच्चशिक्षित असो किंवा अशिक्षित, प्रत्येकाला मत देण्याचा समान अधिकार प्राप्त झाला. याच अधिकारामुळे आपल्या देशातील लोकशाहीचे मूळ मजबूत झाले. पंतप्रधानांपासून सरपंचांपर्यंतच्या निवडीचा अधिकार प्रत्येक नागरिकाला मिळाला. यामुळेच न्याय व हक्कांची जाणीव होऊ लागली आणि स्वातंत्र्याची खरी अनुभूती मिळाली.

आज भारताची लोकशाही जगातील सर्वोत्तम लोकशाही मानली जाते, याचे मुख्य कारण म्हणजे तिची प्रभावी निवडणूक प्रक्रिया. दर पाच वर्षांनी निवडणूक होत असल्याने प्रत्येक नागरिकाला आपल्या मतांच्या ताकदीची जाणीव होते. संविधानाने दिलेले समानता, न्याय, बंधुता, स्वातंत्र्य यांसारखे मूलभूत अधिकार अबाधित ठेवण्याचे सामर्थ्य आपण आपल्या मतदानाने सिद्ध करू शकतो. निवडणूक प्रक्रियेतून निवडून येणारा कोणीही असो, सत्ता कोणाचीही असो, संविधानाचे मुख्य तत्त्व कोणीही बदलू शकत नाही. म्हणूनच, आपल्या देशाच्या लोकशाहीवर अभिमान ठेवून, संविधानाने दिलेला मतदानाचा हक्क बजावणे ही आपली जबाबदारी आहे. आपल्या मतांत देशाला प्रगतीकडे नेण्याचे सामर्थ्य आहे. म्हणूनच म्हणतात, "मतदानाचा हक्क, तुमची ताकद!" मतदान हा अधिकार केवळ वैयक्तिक स्वातंत्र्यावर आधारित नसून, तो देशाच्या विकासासाठी महत्त्वाचा आहे. त्यामुळे प्रत्येकाने हा अधिकार जबाबदारीने वापरून देशाच्या प्रगतीसाठी योगदान द्यावे. "मतदानाचा हक्क, तुमची ताकद!" हे केवळ घोषवाक्य नाही, तर आपल्या जबाबदारीची जाणीव करून देणारी सत्यता आहे.

आपल्या एका मताने देशाच्या भवितव्याला आकार देता येतो. लोकशाहीची खरी ताकद तिच्या नागरिकांच्या सक्रिय सहभागात आहे. म्हणून आपण सर्वांनी आपापल्या कर्तव्याची जाणीव ठेवून मतदान करायला हवे. मतदान करणे म्हणजे केवळ आपला हक्क बजावणे नाही, तर देशाच्या प्रगतीसाठी महत्त्वाचा वाटा उचलणे आहे.

"आजचा मतदार, उद्याचा देश घडवणारा!"

जय हिंद! जय भारत!

-जिजाऊ शेळके

Friday, November 15, 2024

Stories, Statistics and People

Indubitably, data is the most valuable thing in the world. It can establish or demolish economies, flourish or cause catastrophes, as it's ubiquitous around us, from testing vaccines to funding political campaigns. Undeniably, information accompanies misinformation, and with insights comes distortions. Each data point is a part of statistics, which is just a mere number. Statistics are just raw facts, which are uninteresting until storytelling and visualization bring life into those raw statistical facts. This enhances the message that the statistics try to convey. If the context and crux of the matter are provided pellucidly to society and are received very well by the common people, it proves to be a game changer for society. 

I wonder, if stories, statistics, and society are interconnected.Stories are the things we listen to and visualize; statistics is the collection, analysis, and interpretation of factual data; and society is the community of the people around us. These three things are pivotal when we see changes that have taken place from the previous period to the current era. All we need to do is think and wonder why and what these things actually are and how they influence the overall structure of our outlook towards various things around us. 

Today, data and society are like a double-edged sword. We have seen multiple times that a certain advertisement of a particular brand claims that its product is preferable so much so that 90% of people prefer their brand to that of others. Some toothpaste brands state that 8/10 people prefer their brand. But how many of us have asked what the sample of the people was—was it 100 or 10,000? When we consider these numbers, the story changes significantly. Same goes for political campaigns where cherry-picked statistics are shown with some pedantic data to deceive people and obscure the reality. It's then we realize that we're in jeopardy because of the lack of transparency in those campaigns, which will affect our daily lives from buying groceries to commute expenses. Therefore, it's high time to recognize the importance of data literacy. In his TED talk, Hans Rosling explains how the data is just raw facts, but when statistics, content, context, and appropriate data visualization are applied, it tells a story and gives clarity about the society. When data enters, it's not just numbers; it's also about correct explanation with appropriate interpretation, keeping in mind the full picture. We are human beings, social creatures, and throughout history we have found mediums to convey our thoughts and express ourselves. Stories are one of those mediums. We tend to remember the stories more than the statistics because it's entertaining, but what about facts? When we talk about data and reliability, we trust the statistics and not the stories because statistics are factual and stories are not. Surveys provide facts, but they are a result of societal input, and it's the people who share their opinions and views, which then leads to the realistic crux of the matter and conclusion. 

Stories and statistics are in a symbiotic relationship; both are interdependent for mutual benefit. There are misleading statistics used by the media, like a poverty line may look like there has been a significant decline in poverty, but there are many factors to keep in mind like inflation, recession, bank crisis, etc. Certain media companies only show selective data, which is misleading. So, to detect those misleading graphs, we must see the full picture, look at the labels, scale, and context. It's essential to be data literate, as it affects everything around us, from our personal choices to government policies. If we understand data and can correctly understand its message, only then will we be a data-literate society.

-Yajurved Patil

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Plugged into Socials, what's next?

Let’s picture this: you wake up and the first thing you do in the morning isn’t getting out of bed; instead, you start your day by checking your phone and then spend the entire day glued to it. Sounds a little too relatable? Even if we like it or not, we're all guilty of being addicted to our devices. We’re so hooked that our lives revolve around all these screens, scrolling, swiping, and liking. Now, social media, invented originally as a tool to reach out to friends, has turned into a tremendous ecosystem. This means that Instagram, Facebook, and so on are no longer mere apps; they take over our real, everyday lives. Nevertheless, have you ever thought about where this whole social media mania is headed? Let us take a look into the future. First things first, we will start by talking about how platforms have evolved. We all used to know Facebook as the platform where we shared birthday posts and random updates. 

Nowadays, it is a giant marketplace, news source, or even a battleground for politics. Instagram was just for sharing pictures, and now it has become a platform with an entire influencer culture. Although tik-tok is banned in our country, it has completely changed how we consume content. 30-second videos on Youtube and Instagram now rule our attention spans! All our social handles are now powerful tools for business, activism, and self-expression. Yet the thing is, we are about to move into something much bigger. Social media is not just about scrolling through posts like it was before. Now the future belongs to hyperpersonalization. Algorithms would know you better than you know yourself. Scary? Maybe. Nevertheless, the reality is that platforms will start to predict our every need. You won't have to find content; it will find you. The change that will really put artificial intelligence and machine learning into practice is the one that changes our experience of social media. In no time, our social media experiences are going to be more tailored and customised than ever before.

Another interesting thing emerging is the metaverse. I know, it sounds like it is right out of a sci-fi movie, right? It is indeed. Popular companies such as Meta (i.e., Facebook) are investing in virtual reality spaces where people can interact as avatars. Imagine attending a concert or a class in the virtual scenario while actually feeling like you are there, crazy, right? What once only existed in our phones will soon become our living space.

Next comes the shift towards decentralisation. What does it mean? Mainstream platforms such as Meta, Instagram, Twitter, etc. are owned and controlled by big companies as of now. However, with this incoming blockchain technology and Web 3.0, we are headed towards a model that puts more control of one's data and content into the hands of the users themselves instead of the companies. It is like taking power away from the big companies and giving it back to the users. This is already being experimented upon on platforms like Mastodon. So, social media will evolve not only in terms of experience but ownership as well.

Moreover, there are NFTs, meaning non-fungible tokens. NFTs represent ownership over any form of digital assets—from art to music or even memes! Tokens make it possible for people to buy, sell, and trade digital content across multiple platforms. Instead of just "liking" a post, you might really own a piece of digital culture.

In this fast-changing world, it's fascinating to think about where we might be in five years from now. I have to admit I find it really exciting to consider what's coming; however, we also need to address the elephant in the room. Social media has already been criticised for being so full of information that it hinders our ability to function, also triggering anxiety, addiction, and many more. This will blur the lines between the digital and real worlds even further. There is a possibility that social media will become more invasive in our lives. So users need to establish healthy boundaries. Regulations around data privacy and digital well-being will become important as we enter this new landscape.

With all these new technologies that continue to emerge, we still have much hope for very real, positive change. The challenge with these platforms will be in making sure that they continue to be spaces of genuine connection and not isolation, creativity and not conformity. Social media will do wonders for us if used mindfully. We just need to figure out how to balance things out. After all, just like any tool, it’s how we use it that ultimately defines its value.

-Chaitralee Indore

It is said, "When a person departs, they take pieces of the souls of all their loved ones.."

Last month, Vaadasabha lost one of its dearest members, Chaitralee Indore. She was a tranquil person, an exceptional writer, and an extraordinary speaker. A benevolent soul, her absence has deeply impacted every member of our family and will continue to do so forever. As a poignant accolade, I present the blog she wrote a month before her demise.

Om Shanti🙏🏻

जागतिक महिला दिन!

हा केवळ उत्सव नाही, तर इतिहासाच्या पानांवर ठसठशीत उमटलेली एक खूण आहे—स्त्रियांनी मिळवलेल्या यशाची, स्वातंत्र्याची, आत्मसन्मानाची आणि अजूनही ...