We humans keep juggling between the worlds of practicality and imagination.
Our imaginative abilities underpin our creative ideas. Rarely, does the world
within us align with the outer world. Whenever struck with a problem, we tend
to analyze it at our level. Practicality is largely in the domain of decisions
and behavior. In contrast, imagination is in the domain of thought and
speculation. When we think of creativity, we seek ideas that are outside the
box, but at times it is beneficial to have practical solutions that can be
efficiently implemented. Doesn’t it limit the range within which we function?
Must we think that an artist has to rely only on imagination? Can it be said
that when you look at an investor, all she needs are theories and data? These
two things will not take them anywhere. Consequently, artists should perceive
their work practically, just as investors may act on hunches at times. Hence,
these two forces are not necessarily at odds. When balanced correctly, they can
complement each other.
Creativity is to find unique solutions to our problems and break the
conventional outlook. Today’s fast-paced world needs creative minds to run it.
As it drives innovation and progress. But without practicality, these creative
ideas would remain mere concepts. We need practical approaches to execute them
at ground level. The struggle lies in finding the perfect balance between the
two, with them being the two sides of the same coin. The challenge comes in
trying to combine these two, which are synonymous terms. Entirely focusing on
creativity can lead to unrealistic and unattainable goals, subsequently wasting
resources and time. Conversely, an overemphasis on practicality can limit
potential breakthroughs that drive progress.
Consider, for example, the process of scientific discovery. Practicality
guides researchers to carefully design experiments, collect data, and draw
conclusions based on empirical evidence. Yet, it is imagination that sparks the
initial hypothesis, that dares to question the status quo, and that leads
scientists down uncharted paths of exploration. In this way, practicality and
imagination work hand in hand, each lending its strengths to the pursuit of
knowledge and understanding.
Rather than trying to make a business idea fit the market, it should leave
room for innovation by considering the needs of the market. Profitability can
be achieved while ensuring that the industry is influenced in a sustainable
manner. So, let your imagination run wild, anchored within realism.
Practicality and imagination are connected by a fine line. One boosts the
progress of another or halts the growth entirely. A person should recognize
that reality is the foremost truth and that it is essential to live actively in
today's world. It helps you make planned decisions and saves you from regretful
decisions. However, a touch of imagination in making your decision a success is
The dynamic balance between practicality and imagination is a key part of being human. It helps us navigate life's challenges, chase our dreams, and influence the world. Embracing both practicality and imagination allows us to overcome obstacles, tap into our creativity, and move towards a better tomorrow.
- Dipti Rathod