Friday, May 24, 2024

Juggling between Practicality and Imagination

Steve Jobs says, “With your imagination, you can change the world.” Psychology divides the mind into two areas: the conscious and subconscious mind. The conscious mind is responsible for analyzing, thinking, making plans, and short-term memory. Whereas the subconscious mind goes beyond learning new skills, It involves processing information and affects our every thought. We make decisions based on our learning from past experiences. Our opinions are influenced by biases, emotions, reasons, and memories. We measure the benefits and costs of our choices and cope with the consequences. Thus, decision-making involves a mix of intuition and rational thinking.

We humans keep juggling between the worlds of practicality and imagination. Our imaginative abilities underpin our creative ideas. Rarely, does the world within us align with the outer world. Whenever struck with a problem, we tend to analyze it at our level. Practicality is largely in the domain of decisions and behavior. In contrast, imagination is in the domain of thought and speculation. When we think of creativity, we seek ideas that are outside the box, but at times it is beneficial to have practical solutions that can be efficiently implemented. Doesn’t it limit the range within which we function? 

Must we think that an artist has to rely only on imagination? Can it be said that when you look at an investor, all she needs are theories and data? These two things will not take them anywhere. Consequently, artists should perceive their work practically, just as investors may act on hunches at times. Hence, these two forces are not necessarily at odds. When balanced correctly, they can complement each other.

Creativity is to find unique solutions to our problems and break the conventional outlook. Today’s fast-paced world needs creative minds to run it. As it drives innovation and progress. But without practicality, these creative ideas would remain mere concepts. We need practical approaches to execute them at ground level. The struggle lies in finding the perfect balance between the two, with them being the two sides of the same coin. The challenge comes in trying to combine these two, which are synonymous terms. Entirely focusing on creativity can lead to unrealistic and unattainable goals, subsequently wasting resources and time. Conversely, an overemphasis on practicality can limit potential breakthroughs that drive progress.

Consider, for example, the process of scientific discovery. Practicality guides researchers to carefully design experiments, collect data, and draw conclusions based on empirical evidence. Yet, it is imagination that sparks the initial hypothesis, that dares to question the status quo, and that leads scientists down uncharted paths of exploration. In this way, practicality and imagination work hand in hand, each lending its strengths to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

Rather than trying to make a business idea fit the market, it should leave room for innovation by considering the needs of the market. Profitability can be achieved while ensuring that the industry is influenced in a sustainable manner. So, let your imagination run wild, anchored within realism. Practicality and imagination are connected by a fine line. One boosts the progress of another or halts the growth entirely. A person should recognize that reality is the foremost truth and that it is essential to live actively in today's world. It helps you make planned decisions and saves you from regretful decisions. However, a touch of imagination in making your decision a success is important.

The dynamic balance between practicality and imagination is a key part of being human. It helps us navigate life's challenges, chase our dreams, and influence the world. Embracing both practicality and imagination allows us to overcome obstacles, tap into our creativity, and move towards a better tomorrow.

- Dipti Rathod

Saturday, May 18, 2024

From A Seed To A Dandelion : How a student's personality is shaped by staying away from home!

Students' lives are like the seeds of a dandelion, released from the flower head and carried away by the wind, where they leave their comfort zone and, by fighting various difficulties, create their colony in an unknown area. Unfortunately, everyone praises the beauty, but no one points out the struggle the seeds have faced to be pretty. Likewise, the success of the students is seen, but not their struggle during their studies. The students adapt to various changes in the new place; they also adopt different habits during their whole journey as students, which ultimately influence their personalities. Students leave their homes for new, well-educational opportunities. Here the phase arises where either the Dandelion seeds turn out into a beautiful plant or fail to germinate. 

As students shift to new places, they learn to break their comfort zone and to balance their budget with the allocated money. They learn how to maintain cleanliness and how to cook. Thus, the development of the trait of conscientiousness takes place. They learn how to deal with this huge crowd. Leading to an increase in the traits called openness to experience, agreeableness, and extraversion. Here, not only girls but boys too learn the things that they have never done in their home, like cleaning, cooking, etc. The development of these traits enhances the personalities of students. Which further helps them have a better future. To get well-adjusted in the crowd, the students develop adaptability and resilience. Further, they study hard by creating a favorable atmosphere to study in, like by joining a reading room, studying in fresh air in gardens, group study, etc. Thus, the dandelion seeds are successfully converted into dandelion plants.

Due to various problems like predation, herbivory, and human activities, the dandelion plant fails to germinate. Likewise, there are different problems faced by students as they shift to new places. Mostly, the problem of inferiority is seen because now they have to stay around those students who have obtained more achievements; some of them have achievements at state, national, and international levels. They have to face native students who have proper exposure to this big city crowd. Another major problem is nutrition. Such as weight loss, poor dietary choices, food insecurity, obesity, overweight, etc. Problems like lack of emotional support, homesickness, the burden of financial problems, loneliness, and feeling the pressure of a career are very prominent. Additionally, students living abroad for studies face problems like discrimination and racism. It has been seen that students who experience discrimination exhibit system justification theory. For example, here he or she rationalizes the reason for discrimination, like the student will believe that he or she faces racism because of the ugly black tone. Housing and living arrangements abroad, social integration, financial planning, academic pressure, language barriers, cultural adjustment, etc. are some other problems. Some students tackle this problem in different ways, and ideas, on the other hand, fail to germinate.

A survey conducted between February and April 2021, published by NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information), to investigate the challenges faced by university students studying away from their hometowns ( It was conducted in Saudi Arabia and Ethically approved by Majmaah University’s ethics committee.) shows different aspects affecting students living outside their hometowns, especially those involving financial, nutritional, social, and psychological aspects. Financially, it showed that 124 (57.9%) of participants were negatively affected. In the case of nutrition, it was found that 85 (39.7%) increased in weight and 70 (32.7%) decreased, whereas 59 (27.6%) did not notice any change. The effect of financial concerns was found to be prominent among students living in single apartments alone (73, 70.9%) and along with friends (30, 69.8%), but not as much among those living with their family. However, there was no prominent difference between weight and academic performance. The majority of those who lived alone or with friends noticed a decrease in weight. (42.7% and 48.8%, respectively). Those who lived further away from college significantly experienced a decrease in weight as compared to those who lived closer to college. 58.7% of those living more than 300 km experienced a decrease in weight.

Students living alone or further away are experiencing higher levels of homesickness. However, there was no significant relationship between homesickness and academic performance. The survey highlights the intensity of various problems and the need to find ways to fix them. There are different ways to tackle such problems, and one of them is self-care. Here, self-care activities are prioritized, such as getting adequate sleep, eating nutritious food, and practicing relaxation techniques, which can build resilience and help cope with stressors. Relaxation techniques include deep breathing, which involves techniques like diaphragmatic breathing. Another relaxation technique is progressive muscle relaxation, which involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups in the body, moving from one group to another. Guided imagery, yoga and Tai Chi, and mindfulness meditation are some effective techniques. Another effective way is acceptance. It allows individuals to stop being useless and try to control or avoid the stressor. Cognitive reframing is also a way to gain resilience. This involves challenging negative thinking or focusing on personal strengths and resources. Distraction is when engaging in activities or one's hobbies diverts attention away from the stressor. This may help individuals temporarily reduce their distress. 

Problem-solving, seeking social support, exercising, going to the gym, etc. are some other ways. These contribute to resilience, gaining confidence, and improving adaptability. Engagement in such different techniques contributes to the reduction of stress, enhancing various positive traits while reducing the negative ones. It is not necessary that the students living away from home only follow these practices; one can simply perform them to have good physical and mental health. Thus, staying away from home can influence the personality both positively and negatively. We just have to work through various practices to tackle these negative impacts and convert ourselves from a seed to a dandelion.

- Shravani Surve 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

जागतिक कुटुंब दिवस

घर असावे घरासारखे, नकोत नुसत्या भिंती

इथे असावा प्रेम जिव्हाळा नकोत नुसती नाती

कवयित्री विमल लिमये यांनी केवळ चार ओळीत कुटुंबाची केलेली सुंदर व्याख्या केली आहे. कुटुंब हा आपल्या जीवनाचा अविभाज्य घटक आहे. शास्त्रीय भाषेत कुटुंब म्हणजे एकमेकांशी नाते असलेल्या माणसांचा समूह. माणसा-माणसांमधील नाती ही जन्मानंतर, विवाहानंतर किंवा दत्तक घेतल्यानंतर निर्माण होतात. कुटुंबसंस्था एकत्र अथवा विभक्त अशी दोन्ही प्रकारची असू शकते. विभक्त कुटुंबसंस्थेत आई-वडील, पती-पत्नी, मुलगा-मुलगी असे प्राथमिक घटक असतात. विभक्त आणि विस्तारित असे सामान्यपणे कुटुंबाचे दोन  प्रकार आहेत. पण आजच्या बदलत्या काळात केवळ वरील नात्यांवर आधारित समूहांना कुटुंब म्हणण्याची पद्धत मागे पडली आहे. जीवाला जीव देणारी, प्रेम करणारी, मानसिक, शारीरिक आधार देणाऱ्या माणसांना कुटुंब म्हणण्याची प्रथा पडली आहे.  

ह्या वर्षी,  'विविधता आत्मसात करणे आणि कुटुंब बळकट करणे' ही  संकल्पना केंद्रस्थानी ठेवून त्यानुषंगाने विविध कार्यक्रमाचे आयोजन केले जात आहे. ह्या विषयाकडे पाहताना मला विविधतेचे वेगवेगळे कंगोरे दिसतात ते म्हणजे,  एकच व्यक्ती निभावत असलेल्या भूमिका ज्या एकाच कुटुंबातल्या वेगवेगळ्या वयोगटातील व्यक्तींना सांभाळतात, मार्गदर्शन करतात. दुसरी म्हणजे सामाजिक लैंगिक लोकांना समाजात, कुटुंबात स्वीकारून, कुटुंब व्यवस्था बळकट करणे. तिसरी म्हणजे, समाजातील, विविध कुटुंबातील रूढी, परंपरा ह्यांचा अंतर्भाव करून कुटुंब बळकट करणे. मुळात विविधता म्हणजे केवळ वेगवेगळी माणसे होत नसून त्या माणसांसोबतच त्यांची असणारे स्वभाव, मत, आर्थिक, सामाजिक, न्यायिक, राजकीय, लैंगिक भिन्नता तसेच त्यांच्या रूढी परंपरा, वैचारिक बैठक ह्या सगळ्या गोष्टींचा स्वीकार करून कुटुंब व्यवस्था बळकट करणे अपेक्षित आहे. 

आपली भारतीय संस्कृती मातृदेवो भव, पितृ देवो भव ह्याचे संस्कार लहान पणापासूनच देत असते. कुटुंब वास्तव जगात कसं जगावं हे आपल्याला पदोपदी शिकवीत असत. एक माणूस म्हणून घडवीत असतं. गप्पा मारणे, फिरायला बाहेर जाणे, एकत्र टीव्ही पाहणे, जेवण करणे, एकमेकांसोबत वेळ घालवणे, ह्या तश्या पाहायला गेल्या तर छोट्या छोट्या गोष्टी पण फार मोठा परिणाम आपल्यावर करतात.  कोविड काळात ह्या सगळ्याचा आपण अनुभव घेतलाच आहे. आकाशाच्या अनेक छटांप्रमाणे असणारी  मनाने निर्मळ आई, फणसासारखा वरून काटेरी पण आतून गोड असे बाबा , अधिकार गाजवणारी ताई, गोंडस लहान भाऊ , घरात वय होवूनही दरारा असणारे आजोबा, नेहमी पाठीशी घालणारी आजी ही अशी माणसं आहेत वेळ पडली तर आपल्या करता काहीही  करतील. ह्यांची साथ असेल तर कोणत्याही संकटातून बाहेर आपण पडू शकतो. अश्या कुटुंबात आपण अनेक गोष्टी शिकतो. थोरा- मोठ्यांचा आदर करण्यापासून ते भावंडांसोबत भांडत गोष्टी शेअर करण्यापर्यंत. पडत - धडपडत आपण मोठे होतो. आपल्याकडे तर एकत्र कुटुंब पद्धती आहे. बऱ्याचदा नात्यांची नावं देखील आपल्याला माहीत नसतात. पूर्वी पत्रव्यवहार आणि आजच्या तंत्रज्ञानाच्या युगात WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook समुहांद्वारे आपण आजही कुटुंबासोबत जोडले गेलो आहोतच की. 

कुटुंब हा तो वटवृक्ष आहे ज्याच्या सानिध्यात आपण मोठे होतो आणि जो आपल्या पंखाखाली आपण सुरक्षित ठेवतो. एक उत्तम माणूस घडवण्याचे काम परिवार करीत असतो. कोरोना काळात आपल्याला नव्याने समजलेली नात्यांची किंमत, जपत पुढे वाटचाल करूया. 

 तुम्हा सर्वांना जागतिक कुटुंब दिवसाच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा!

- Divya Maujekar 

Friday, May 10, 2024

Technology Inspired by Science Fiction

Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic. This summarizes the idea of real technology inspired by the science fiction genre. Technology is the use of scientific knowledge to achieve a strong goal and create applications that are used in daily life. In other words, the tools obtained by using science that make our lives easier are the tools of technology. Technology is all around us. Be it bikes, cars, mobile phones, televisions, etc. There's been an evolution of technology from the ancient period until today's modern era. It has become an integral part of our lives. We can't imagine our lives without it. I have always been fascinated by sci-fi and technology since my childhood.

It is the curiosity of human beings blended with science that gave us technology. Human curiosity plus science is the perfect recipe for the science fiction genre. Many scientists and researchers have acknowledged the immense impact of sci-fi in developing new technology. It has helped common people show a keen interest in science and technology. Science fiction and innovation have been interlinked since Sci-Fi's origin.  From video chatting to driverless cars to space flights, There has always been science fiction and science reality.

Sci-fi has its roots dating back to the 19th century. When industrialization was in full swing. In 1865, Julien Verne published "From Earth to Moon, a sci-fi novel that revolves around the gun club members who launched themselves from cannons in projectile motion to reach the Moon. It was a bit cartoonish to think about as of now. However, NASA's Apollo 11 mission module showed striking similarities. The fictional shell was hollow and made up of aluminum. It was crewed by three people. It was launched from Florida and splashed into the Pacific Ocean. Just like the novel, the Apollo 11 mission module took place a century later.

When we talk about communication, the technological development of communication in context has undergone an enormous change. Today, communication technology. Sci-fi was influential in developing the technology for communication. The films and TV shows are based on sci-fi genres like Star Wars, Star Trek, 2001: Space Odyssey, Jetsons, etc. showing mobile phones, video chatting, and robots back in the time of "radio. Decades later, Skype was introduced in 2003 as a video chatting platform. Now, we can video call with whomever we want by using apps like What's App, Google Duo, Skype, etc. Similarly, AI-led tech was shown in the 1968 film '2001: Space Odyssey '. An early AI scientist, Marvin Minsky, at MIT, USA, advised the director of the film to include "HAL 9000, an AI bot that could speak, play chess, and make plans.

Today, we have similar AI technology around us in the form of chatbots like ChatGPT and Gemini and voice assistants like Google Assistant and Alexa. Sci-fi writers have not only introduced new technology but have also prototyped the world in which they existed. As sci-fi imagining becomes reality, there will be more innovation in the next few years or decades. Maybe we'll get tele olfactory, i.e., digitizing the smell with audiovisuals in virtual reality; maybe we'll get the inbuilt fans in mobile phones' cases. Maybe we'll overcome the 'plastic crisis'. The possibilities are endless. Thus, with technology, we can achieve the unimaginable.

- Yash Patil

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

रवींद्रनाथ टागोर जयंती


एखाद्या व्यक्तीचं व्यक्तिमत्व ,कार्य, जीवन इतकं भारावून टाकणारं असतं की त्या व्यक्तीबद्दल स्तुती स्वरूपात म्हणा किंवा माहिती स्वरूपात म्हणा आपण केलेली टिप्पणी ही नेहमीच आपल्याला तोकडी वाटू लागते. शब्दांच्या महासागराने  ज्यांनी साहित्य क्षेत्रात एक नवा अमुलाग्र बदल घडवला नव्हे नव्हे तर एक नवं पर्व सुरू केलं आणि वयाच्या उतारार्धात कॅनव्हास वर रंगाची उधळण करून भल्या भल्यांच्या नजरा थक्क करून सोडल्या ,नोबेल पारितोषिक जिंकणारे साहित्यातील पहिले गीतकार इतकंच नव्हे तर आज पर्यंत ज्यांचं गीत आपण राष्ट्रगीत म्हणून गात आहोत त्याच रविंद्रनाथ टागोर यांच्या बद्दलचा आजचा हा लेख.

     रविंद्रनाथ टागोर हे नाव  भारदस्त विशेषणांनी समृध्द आहे. कोणासाठी कवी तर कोणासाठी लेखक ,कोणासाठी चित्रकार, नाटककार तर कोणासाठी संगीतकार. एकाच कार्यक्षेत्रापुरती मर्यादित न राहिलेली आणि साहित्याचा तसेच कलेचा थोर व्यासंग असणारी व्यक्ती. त्यांच्या साहित्याबद्दल चित्रांबद्दल बरंच बोललं लिहिलं गेलंय. आज प्रयत्न राहिल  तो कथेमागची कथा जाणून घेण्याचा , कवितेमागची स्फूर्ती जाणून घेण्याचा , या यशस्वी पुरुषाच्या आयुष्यात मैत्रीचं दान घेऊन येणाऱ्या , त्यांना प्रोत्साहित करणाऱ्या आणि रविंद्रनाथांच्या कवितांमध्ये अजरामर स्थान मिळवणाऱ्या स्त्रियांबद्दल. स्त्री पुरुष नातेसंबंधातील मैत्राबद्दल.

        देवेंद्रनाथांच चौदावं मुल म्हणून रविंद्रनाथ जन्माला आले. घरात नातेवाईक ,नोकरचाकर साऱ्यांची वर्दळ असली तरी रविंद्रनाथ एकाकीच वाढले.आई सारखी कामात व्यस्त शिवाय तिची चौदा मुलं ती कोणाकडे आणि किती लक्ष देणार. भल्या थोरल्या भरलेल्या घरात संवेदनशील मुल जसं एकटं वाढेल तस रवींद्रनाथ एकटेपणात वाढत गेले.त्यांचा या एकटेपणाला शह देण्यासाठी त्यांच्या आयुष्यात अवतरली ती कादंबरी. कादंबरी ! त्यांच्यापेक्षा बारा वर्षांनी मोठे असलेले त्यांचे बंधू ज्योतिरिंद्रनाथ यांची पत्नी. रविंद्रनाथ तेव्हा सहा सात वर्षांचे तर कादंबरी आठ नऊ वर्षांची होती. कादंबरीने रविंद्रनाथांच बालपण, किशोरवय, आणि तारुण्य व्यापून टाकलं. त्यांच्या निकट सहवासात आलेली ती पहिलीच स्त्री होती ,त्यांची सखी आणि किंबहुना आईही. या काळात रविंद्रनाथांच्या कवितांमागे कादंबरी उभी होती. कादंबरी बुद्धिमान होती , अभिनेत्री होती उत्तम गायक आणि वाचकही होती. छबी ओ गान या त्यांच्या संग्रहातील कविता त्यांनी कादंबरीलाच अर्पण केल्या आहेत.

     वयाच्या सतराव्या वर्षी इंग्लंड ला जाण्यापूर्वी त्यांचा आयुष्यात आली ती अन्नपूर्णा तरखडे - ॲना. तिने रविंद्रनाथांची स्त्री कडे पाहण्याची दृष्टीच बदलली. घराबाहेरच्या जगात त्यांना भेटलेली ती पहिलीच स्त्री होती. कित्येक बंधनानी जखडलेल्या देशाची स्थिती रविंद्रनाथ ओळखून होते पण ॲनाचा रूपानं त्यांना स्त्रीच्या निखळ मैत्रीचा प्रत्यय घेता आला. आयुष्याचा वेगवेगळ्या टप्प्यावर भेटणाऱ्या स्त्रियांचा प्रेम, स्नेह, मैत्रीचा त्यांनी प्रेरक शक्ती म्हणून स्वीकार केला. या स्विकराच्या मुळाशी होती ॲना. त्यांचा 'कविकाहीनितली' नलिनी.

     १९१४ साली व्हिक्टोरिया च्या आयुष्यात आलेल्या रविंद्रनाथांच्या गीतांजली ने व्हिक्टोरिया च्या मनात गुरुदेवांबद्दल अपार आदर निर्माण केला. त्या नंतर तब्बल १० वर्षांनी ती रविंद्रनाथांना भेटली पण तिच्या भावना ती शब्द रुपात मांडू शकली नाही. त्या काळात रविंद्रनाथांना फ्लू ने वेढलं होतं, व्हिक्टोरिया ला जेव्हा ही गोष्ट कळली तेव्हा तिने त्यांची मिरालारिओ नावाच्या बंगल्यात राहण्याची सोय केली. घरातल्या भांड्याकुंड्या पासून ते अगदी नोकरचाकरांपर्यंत सर्व काही तिने त्यांचा सेवेत हजर केलं. तब्बल दोन महिन्यांचा सहवासात व्हिक्टोरियाने रविंद्रनाथांच्या मनात नवनिर्मितीची आशा जागवली. तिने  जितकं त्यांचा शब्दांवर प्रेम केलं तितकंच त्यांचा माणुसपणावर. परतीच्या प्रवासात व्हिक्टोरियाने भेट म्हणून दिलेल्या आरामखुर्चीत बसून त्यांनी आपलं उर्वरित आयुष्य व्यतीत केलं. पॅरिस मध्ये त्यांचा चित्रांच प्रदर्शन भरलं असता त्याची सगळी जबाबदारी पाहणारी व्हिक्टोरिया होती.  व्हिक्टोरियाचा मनात त्यांचा बद्दल नेहमीच स्नेहादराची भावना राहिली.

       जीवनाच्या वेगवेगळ्या टप्प्यांवर मिळणारी अशी माणसं आपलं आयुष्य अगदी एका वेगळ्याच वळणावर घेऊन जातात. साहित्याचा मुळाशी गेलं की त्याची उत्पत्ती ही साहित्याईतकीच सुंदर वाटू लागते .

- प्रतिक्षा ओंबळे

Monday, May 6, 2024

Lights, Camera; Emotion!

The slightly cool breeze of the air conditioning passes over your feet. You fold your hands and you find yourself in the most comfortable state. It is so dark that you can only see the eyes of the person sitting beside you. It's time, and you hear the soft music in the background. Slowly and steadily the surroundings start consuming you. You are right in the middle of the theatre and you realize that the film has already begun. 

Films are an evident part of a human's life. They not only impact that one person sitting in the audience but also play a role in shaping the mindset of society as a whole. While talking about the impact of films the National Library for Medicine states that – “The studies reveal the influence of films on people’s beliefs and opinions, stereotypes and attitudes. Movies can have a significant impact on gender and ethnic stereotypes change attitudes towards certain groups of people and cause newly formed opinions on various issues.” While in the opinion of some, a film has to have the sole purpose of entertainment, it must be considered that the impact a film has on human thinking patterns and behavior is also exceptional. 

In India, the film ‘Sholay’ was released in 1975. Even today there revolves an idea of explicit interest for the film around the country. Well, what makes the film so special? The cast, the music, or the ear-catching dialogues? The film added thrill to the living of the common man assuring the win of good over bad even while crossing the rules of the society. Sholay makes a huge difference giving instrumental value and thus a subconscious acceptance towards male friendships. While Sholay acquires a special place in the hearts of the viewer, the effect of the film can not only affect how the viewer thinks but also how he interprets, perceives, and understands the surrounding world.

The ’90s saw a shift in movies considering themes that introduced women as the center of society. Films like Arth, Damini, Astitva, and the line of films that go till today – Pink, Thappad, English Vinglish, and Queen display the light of freedom women choose over the certain unwritten rules of patriarchy. The need for these films and the shift of attitudes of the audience towards the roles of women can be traced through the films. While it's evident that individual preferences shape media consumption, the relationship between these preferences and the psychological makeup of audiences has remained largely unexplored. Even if we consider the rise of usage of the word ‘patriarchy’ in society and the sudden movement of questioning the traditional meaning of the term we find the influence of the media as a viewer consumes. 

In a common understanding, it is often said that ‘Films are a mirror of Society’ but here we, unfortunately, fail to recognize the reciprocating nature of the relationship between films and society. A mirror does not own the capacity to think as it lacks the ability of a mind. However, when we try to consider a film as a painting, wherein the painter uses the strokes of a brush to present an opinion of his own there remains a space for the viewer to interpret the needful. We as an audience are given a chance to like or dislike the painting and thus also the painter is given the liberty to paint. Thus when we consider this perspective, the necessity of questioning films like ‘Adipurush’ and ‘Animal’ for the impact that they form as a whole feels right in place.

Even though films can be very little part of the overall experience of a man’s life, it can seen how much of a huge impact it can have on the viewer. Just give a thought to the feeling you have while walking out of the theatre. The rise and demise of emotions one feels in a specific situation can be an indirect influence of a movie a viewer is exposed to. Art is overwhelming to consume for an ordinary mind, where we regrettably underestimate the impact of films on our daily lives. We unconsciously get affected by the content we consume, wherein we need to consider how films play a crucial role.

- Maahi Gadgil 

Friday, May 3, 2024

The UAE's Encounter with Extreme Weather and Climate Change

The United Arab Emirates has been hit by heavy thunderstorms, resulting in the heaviest rainfall ever recorded within hours. This downpour flooded major highways, Dubai's international airport, homes, and malls. Operations at the airport were briefly halted. In Oman, at least 18 people lost their lives due to the storms. The rainfall, ranging from 127mm to 254mm in different parts of the UAE within 24 hours, has been described as a "historic weather event" surpassing records since 1949. Dubai faces severe flooding, with the amount of rain received in a single day equaling what typically falls over 1.5 years. Experts attribute this extreme weather to a normal weather system intensified by climate change, rather than just a cloud-seeding experiment. Cloud seeding is a process in which chemicals are implanted into clouds to increase rainfall in an environment where water scarcity is a concern. The UAE, located in one of the hottest and driest regions on earth, has been leading the effort to seed clouds and increase precipitation. A low-pressure system in the upper atmosphere, coupled with low pressure at the surface had acted like a pressure 'squeeze' on the air.

Scientists say that the intense weather changed into because of an extraordinary conjunction of climate systems bringing moisture from the Gulf, Arabian Sea, and Mediterranean. The flooding prompted chaos in a metropolis unaccustomed and unprepared for such conditions. Major avenue tunnels packed with water, bring transportation to a standstill. Water poured into purchasing department shops, residential regions, and construction websites. Due to the saturation of water on the roads, many cars have been damaged totally. They also lost their business of oil extraction and tourism during the period, which is a major source of revenue for the country. UAE has announced $544mn (2bn dirhams) for repairing homes. They also exempted people from various fines that were levied during this period, ranging from various traffic violation fines to fines for staying in the country after the visa period was over, as people had to wait in UAE as the aviation services had to be temporarily closed down.

Fortunately, the UAE's sturdy infrastructure and emergency planning prevented any catastrophic harm or lack of existence. However, the economic toll from the floods is predicted to be giant, with initial estimates in the billions of dirhams from businesses being closed down and belongings harm. Climate scientists caution that the UAE wishes to put together extra extreme weather activities like this in the future because of weather exchange. While the desolate tract place may absolutely become even hotter and drier on average, extended evaporation can also lead to extra excessive rain storms when conditions are right. The Dubai floods had been a stark reminder that even towns with terrific engineering prowess may be brought to their knees by effective herbal forces. As the arena continues warming, no nook of the globe might be immune to capability climate disruptions.

- Harshata Gotephode 

जागतिक महिला दिन!

हा केवळ उत्सव नाही, तर इतिहासाच्या पानांवर ठसठशीत उमटलेली एक खूण आहे—स्त्रियांनी मिळवलेल्या यशाची, स्वातंत्र्याची, आत्मसन्मानाची आणि अजूनही ...