Sunday, November 13, 2022

A Happy Children's Day to the Child Within Us

The classrooms were all draped in colourful decorations, the children all joyful and chirpy, and the school auditorium looked just perfect, ready for a grand celebration. That's what our Children's Day looked like. The time flew by, we became grown-ups, and completely forgot what the happiness of those innocent, lively moments in our childhood felt like.

 As we begin to experience 'adulting', we start taking responsibility, learning different things, change priorities. We start getting more and more mature, but our inner child, craving to be acknowledged and cared for, is always ignored and unheard.

But then sometimes, there are some unexpected moments, instances, where we feel truly alive again, which give us that sort of heartfelt happiness again, even if it's momentary. For some it might be watching a cartoon film they loved, for others, it may be eating chocolate after a long time, or simply taking a walk in the park they used to play in every day as a kid. These little things remind us how free-spirited we used to be, and how full of life these moments made us feel, always. Many of us are away from home, away from our parents, and simply going home makes that child within us immensely happy. All we want is that kind of peace, to return to our happy places which give us that happiness, once again. Happiness connects us to our lost childhood selves once again, happiness, that helps us feel good even when things aren't that good. And that connection, that happiness is what makes us beautiful human beings, that is what is just the reason to live, and the reason to love ourselves a little more every day.

 This Children's Day, let's promise our inner child, that we'll always try to listen to it, try to acknowledge it as much and as often as we can, and try to recreate all those happy moments.

 Happy Children's Day to the Child within Each of Us!

                                         Vaadasabha Member
                                        - Shreya Sabnis

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