Thursday, December 31, 2020

     Towards 2021...

      2020 the year of odds. The year of miracles. The year of miseries. The year of togetherness. The year of PANDEMIC. 2020 has been the atrocious nightmare humankind has ever seen. We all came into 2020 with our sky high passions and dreams and looked forward to accomplishing them as well.  But this year had some other plans. With the news of novel Corona Virus out in Mid December of 2k19. The world utterly neglected it as any other flu. But Covid19 started to show it's real colours in the month of February.  With the Virus spreading rapidly as nothing.  Many giant economies  were forced to lock down  there countries till indefinite period. So as happened in India . Just when the country had prepared itself to a start of new chapter having an eye on many supreme and  ambitious  projects,  it had  to lay down all its developmental plans and shift back to improving basic healthcare and hygiene amenities.  Indeed for Government it was a wakeup call that before we dream of expanding the economy as a developing country it is immensely necessary to invest  and improve the social infrastructure of the country.  The story in the lockdown came down one of the most brutal massacres that ever happened.  Rich saw a incorrigible loss in their assets . Middle class was forced to leave homes for the purpose of livelihood. And this caused the mass spread of virus. People were brought to death irrespective of all religions, cultures,  economic class . Pandemic storms hit the life security and  job security of people,  academic future of thousands of pupils and their dreams of good careers were shattered. With all this the biggest problem lied with  the poor , migrant workers and all of those in the most vulnerable sector of the society.  No permanent house, and nil income  made them difficult to even survive two meals a day and indirectly this situation made life difficult than death. This mass destruction made society impuissant to the condition of pandemic. But as they say  tough times call for tough measures, executed through compassion and empathy. In the later half of year all the nongovernmental organisations, frontline warriors and the real heroes from the reel world  stepped up to lift their  brothers and sisters from this state of havoc.

     This later half of 2k20 was quite a bit full of surprises. The trends of DALGONA, BINOD ruled the meme community.  Later the train slowly started to return on track. With the emotion of ATMANIRBHAR  the nation stood up to move ahead elapsing the all the hardships. All in all this year taught us to take the leap of faith for us for everyone and always find the silver line of opportunities in the  fog of uncertainties. It taught us the  identity of true faces in  difficult times. 2020 made us follow our passion rather than running in the rat race. This year made us slow down and look beneath our inner self  and connect to what really satisfies our soul. Year made us learn many things i.e it made us realize that at any point of life just have the urge to learn more and more things, technologies,  experiences.  Never ever stop the inflow of knowledge  it makes you more and more prosperous. Despite crossing all the limits of weirdness the cessation of this year has boosted up our confidence to step up to any sort of challenges in upcoming future and excel in it with sheer confidence and continuous efforts. !!! With all the positives and the fresh  approach with  belief in us and the society to stand up as one. I wish a very happy and safe here. We believe and continue to proceed onwards and upwards!

-Varad Sahasrabuddhe 


1 comment:

जागतिक महिला दिन!

हा केवळ उत्सव नाही, तर इतिहासाच्या पानांवर ठसठशीत उमटलेली एक खूण आहे—स्त्रियांनी मिळवलेल्या यशाची, स्वातंत्र्याची, आत्मसन्मानाची आणि अजूनही ...