Friday, November 27, 2020

Preparing thoughtful hands to create beautiful pots!


‘Education’ is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits. It is the tool to create more capable, more responsible citizens of the society. It is fundamental for achieving full human potential, developing an equitable and just society, and promoting national development. Education is the hand of potter on the spinning wheel which transforms shapeless mudballs into beautiful articles of pottery. With a lot of young balls preparing to be shaped through this educational system we must recognize the importance of able and skilled hands working with determination.

India would have the largest youth population in the world over the next decade. This huge number of youth shall determine the future of our society. To lead this country towards a bright future the youth needs to have curiosity, logistic attitude, flexibility, ethical, rational, compassionate and passionate at the same time. They must be skillful, employed and most importantly aware of the current situation and surroundings. While looking forward towards excellent youth, bright and healthy future we must first critically analyse our current situation and must similarly formulate required policies.

The education policies were last formulated and improvised in 1986 and 1992 respectively. The implementation of previous policies focused largely on the issues of access and equity. The world is undergoing rapid changes in the knowledge landscape. today, it is not only important to learn but , to learn how to learn. Due to the drastic change in the scenario, the pattern designed then is not appropriate for  the students now

This is when the new educational policy enters the picture. With access to technology and catering the needs of present scenario an extensive policy has been formulated. Designed by experts like K Kasturirangan, it provides critical analysis of the current educational system and a detailed explanation of what the new education system will be. The policy in its well written introduction puts forth the situation of the currently working educational system. The now unyielding 10+2 structure, marks oriented psychology of students as well as of parents, the lost interest in studies, the rot learning method, the hard separation of different streams in higher education is having an adverse effect on the youth. It completely focuses on the academic achievements of the students very less or no importance to co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. . IT also focuses on some very vibrant problems of the increasing dropout rate, absence of foundational literacy, unskilled graduates and as a result increasing unemployment.

These problems are attempted to be rectified through the NEP. The NEP is basically divided into four parts concerning school education, higher education, other key areas and implementation. In the first part concerning the school education the students shall learn with new pedagogical and curricular structure which has four stages. The foundational, the preparatory, middle and secondary. The stages are prepared according to the physical and psychological development of children. In the foundational stage (3-8 yrs) students shall learn in a fun and activity based manner. The foundational schools or the anganwadis shall be provided with good infra structure, playing equipments and well-trained faculty. They shall also be provided with the mid-day meals whose benefits shall be extended to class one and two.

In the preparatory part of class 3 to 5 all students must have gained basic literacy to read, write and understand work with basic numerals. The teaching would be in an activity based manner. In the middle school (12-14 yrs) students along with essential subjects shall be allowed to learn new different skills. There would be no bag days and they would be provided internships in different arts like pottery, carpentry, etc. Taking into consideration the importance of artificial intelligence and related fields students shall learn basic coding from class 6. In the high school (15-18 yrs) , students shall be able to select subjects of their choice and prepare accordingly. To map the progress of students at different level exams shall be conducted by the concerned authorities in class 3, 5, 8, 10 and 12.

The education shall focus more on experimental learning. Art-linked approaches used while teaching would strengthen the linkage of education and culture. It shall also abide to the ‘Fit India movement’ which imbibes many qualities like self-initiative, teamwork, responsibility and to enhance cognitive abilities. They will also be provided with regular health check-ups. The students shall be provided with the knowledge of India. Its journey from the ancient times to the modern and its strengths and challenges today.

In the second part of the NEP higher education is concerned. The admissions in higher education institutions (HEIs) will be conducted by a centralized entrance exam. Undergraduate education must be multidisciplinary. All HEIs shall aim to be multidisciplinary by 2040 to end the fragmentation of higher knowledge. Open distance learning and opportunities for lifelong learning must be made available. In the multidisciplinary approach students will be given credits for all the courses they do and those credits will be saved in the ‘Academic Bank of Credit’. MERUs i.e. Multidisciplinary Education and Research Units will be established to encourage students to carry out research in various fields. The HEIs must create a healthy learning environment, have good faculty and increase their outreach. To regulate the HEIs “light but tight”, ‘Higher Education Commission of India’ will be established which will look after all the affairs of the institutions.

The HEIs will be committed to provide professional education in the fields like agriculture, legal, health and technology. Increasing adult literacy and curbing the commercialization of education will be main parts of the agenda. For promotion of Indian art and culture, Indian Institute of Translation and Interpretation will also be established. Use of technology will be encouraged with the use of DIKSHA and SWAYAM apps.

The last and the most important stage would be the implementation! The central advisory board of education will be strengthened to take all the decisions. 6% of country’s total GDP to be moved to the education sector so that quality education would be affordable and hence accessible to all. The name ‘Ministry of Education’ shall take over the current’ Ministry of Human Resource Development’.

The policy has been designed as to include all sections of the society and has treated them with equality. Special provisions are made for students economically and socially backward societies and for those from tribal areas. This education system has clearly showed the faults in the current education system, also has presented us with excellent solutions to them. The new educational system will recognize and foster unique capabilities of each child, help in conceptual understanding, encourage logical decision making, imbibe constitutional values, develop respect for all cultures and promote life skills. At the same time, these outcomes shall only depend upon the level of implementation of the policy which has not been described in the NEP2020. Though it has been mentioned that various committees would be involved in implementation, no clear roadmap has been given for such important aspect.

The new educational policy is very carefully planned, fully thought of policy. Almost all the sections and shortcomings of the current systems are planned to be rectified. So, the hands are ready to show their skill to transform the little mudballs, what all they need is constant work and dedication and then these hands shall lead us to the bright future ahead.

Chinmayee Deshpande.

S.Y.B.A. - Vaadasabha Member

(Secured First Rank In Our In-house Essay Competition)



Wednesday, November 25, 2020

 Ram-Janmabhoomi: metamorphosis of Indian Secularism.

India is known as the home of the world’s oldest religion. She is known as a land which hosts more than 2 million temples representing the glamorous cultural heritage, standing tall and bold on the Ghats of a swift-flowing river, dazzling under the evening, saffron sky. She is known to host a conglomeration of religions under the banner of secularism. She is known to have welcomed all religions- invaders and the prosecuted alike; and subsequently incorporated their cultures into her own. In cultures as diverse as ours, small communal conflicts are almost inevitable; but why did a small piece of land in Ayodhya instigate waves of communal violence throughout the nation, causing thousands of people to lose their lives? Why did the nation with more than 2 million temples burn for the greed of one? Why did land with more than 3 lakh mosques shudder with the destruction of one? The Ayodhya issue is more than just a typical property dispute. It is the product of competitive religious fundamentalism fueled by the vicious politics for power. 

The dispute started out in 1949 with the idol of Ram Lalla being placed under the dome of the Babri masjid, irking the religious sentiments of the Muslims. What followed was a series of judicial battles, religious polarization and the politics of vote bank. Though the issue had roots in conflicting Hindu-Muslim sentiments, politicization on the basis of religion added fuel to the fire. For the Hindus, the Babri masjid was a stigma. It was built on the place they regarded as the birthplace of a deity millions of Hindus worshipped. It was an incessant reminder of the foreign invasions in the medieval times that had nearly destroyed the ancient Indian culture. In their eyes, it was just one of the many mosques built on the ruins of some ancient Hindu temples demolished by the invaders under the name of Islam. For the Muslims, it wasn’t just a place of worship. It was a cover to protect all the other mosques targeted by the Hindu fundamentalists for being built upon destroyed temples. The site had great significance to both the religions, which became the cause of the tensions that subsequently arose after the demolition of the mosque in 1992. 

In Islam prayer is important, a mosque is not. A Muslim is not obliged to offer his prayers in a mosque, in order to prove his allegiance to the faith. Although idol worshipping is practiced in Hinduism, visiting a temple to perform rituals is not the only way to achieve salvation. The Advaita-Vedanta, which is the core of Hinduism states that every living being has the essence of the one true god; and instead of searching for God in temples, one must look no further than the inner self to feel his presence. Thus, neither religion in itself, causes the clashes among the two groups, nor does it justify the claims put forward during the arguments. Differences among religions does not cause communal violence, it is caused by the clashing of competitive religious zeal. If it weren’t for religious chauvinism, the Hindus wouldn’t have demolished the 400-year-old mosque in the name of the lord who was the embodiment of honor, the Muslims wouldn’t have caused riots all over the country, thousands of innocents wouldn’t have lost their lives just because of their religious affiliation. 

Religious chauvinism, when combined with political ambitions is known to make nations rise and fall. Religion has always had a major role in shaping India’s political image. Indian political parties are infamous for misusing religion and caste for their personal gains, conveniently forgetting the secular nature of the constitution; and the Ayodhya issue is not an exception. Congress used the Babri masjid issue to attract minority votes by providing them a false sense of security in their regime. The BJP and allies use Ram Janmabhoomi issue to propagate their Hindutva agenda, appealing to the majority population in order to come into power. The proposed construction of the Ram-Lalla temple is believed to be a facade by the BJP to lure votes for the upcoming elections in Uttar Pradesh and the 2024 Assembly elections, according to many opposition party members. Through the years, every government in power modified the definition of India’s secularism to suit their own needs. Politicization of any religious issue has always been an adversity for India, but success for the political parties; and they are ready to compromise the nation’s well-being for their personal advantages.  

Ayodhya has been at the center of a volcano which has been surfacing time and time again since 1949 claiming more casualties each time, than the last. Since it is an important part of the Indian heritage, all Indians view Ayodhya with a special regard. Thus, the smoke from Ayodhya’s fire can be seen from every region of the country. The flares of the fire were felt not only in Ayodhya, but Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Surat, Delhi, Kanpur, Vadodara, Kashmir and Lahore following the demolition of the mosque in 1992. Repercussions of the temple’s constructions are going to be felt throughout the country, especially in the Kashmir valley, since the bhumipoojan dated exactly one year since the revocation of Kashmir’s special status. The current pandemic might only be postponing another chapter in communal violence in India. India has received criticism from Islamic countries like Pakistan and Indonesia after the construction of Ram Lalla temple kicked in, especially in the light of the Hagia-Sophia verdict. However, the issue is India’s internal business and much attention shouldn’t be given to fruitless criticism. 

In almost all 300 versions of the Ramayana epic, Lord Ram has been regarded as the epitome of honor, the ideal governor and a just ruler. Ram-Rajya may seem like fiction in the modern world, but the ideas of justice, prosperity, progressive governance and moral society should be incorporated by all Indians, irrespective of the religion. What seemed like a dark chapter in Indian history should end in the true Ram-Rajya. 

Prajakta Pendse.

S.Y.B.A. - Vaadasabha Member

(Secured Second Rank In Our In-house Essay Competition)


Monday, November 23, 2020

 निर्मात्याकडून आपल्यासाठी राहिलेले आपणच निर्माण करू!

       आपण जन्म का घेतो? आपल्या अस्तित्वात येण्याचे कारण काय ह्या प्रश्नाचे उत्तर अजूनही मनुष्याला मिळालेले नाहीत.मनुष्याचे जन्म-मृत्यूचे चक्र कायम फिरतीवरच. मात्र जन्मापासून ते मृत्यू पर्यंत जे  लाभलेले आहे ते आयुष्य सुंदर करता येते याची जाणीव ज्यादिवशी माणसाला होईल तो दिवस सोनियाचा! वरील प्रश्नांची उकल करण्यातच अनेक आयुष्य खर्ची जातात. त्यातले काही गौतमबुद्धा प्रमाणे होतात तर काही आयुष्यभर आयुष्याबद्दलच गोंधळात रेंगाळतात. ब्रह्मदेवासाठी पृथ्वी लोक जरी खेळ असला तरी पृथ्वीवरच्या लोकांसाठी त्यांचं-त्यांचं व इतरांचं ही आयुष्य हा एक अत्यंत गंभीर खेळच. प्रत्येकाचं आयुष्याकडे बघण्याचा दृष्टिकोन वेगळा. जीवनात येणाऱ्या अनुभवांमुळे प्रत्येकाची आयुष्याबद्दलची व्याख्या ही आपापली वेगळीच.  बाबा आमटेंसारख्या थोर समाज सेवकासाठी स्वतःचे आयुष्य म्हणजे दुसऱ्यांचं हित,आनंद,प्रगती.. वपु म्हणतात तसं "पारिजातकाचे आयुष्य लाभले तरी चालेल पण उधळण व्हावी ती सुगंधाचीच", मात्र सद्गुरू सारखे योगी जे लोकांना त्यांच्या आयुष्यातल्या ध्येय प्राप्तीसाठी मार्गदर्शन करतात पण तरी म्हणतात आयुष्याचा कधीच कोणताच ध्येय नसतोच  परंतु मनुष्य या मायावी जगात त्याच्यासाठी झटतो, जीवन कसंही असलं तरी मनुष्याच्या त्याकडे पाहण्याचा दृष्टिकोन महत्वाचा. मात्र आयुष्य हे आनंदाने जगण्यासाठी, अनुभवण्यासाठी, स्वतःला घडविण्यासाठी आहे जीवन म्हणजे स्वतःला फक्त शोधणे नाहीच , शोध त्या गोष्टींचा होतो ज्याचं अस्तित्व असतं परंतु आपल्याला हवं असलेल्या आपल्या शोधाची निर्मिती जर निर्मात्याने आपल्याला निर्माण करण्यासाठी ठेवली असेल तर...? तर आयुष्य म्हणजे स्वतःला घडवणे आणि आयुष्य सुंदर करण्याचा मार्ग तो हाच! त्या घडण्याच्या प्रक्रियेतूनच आपण आपल्याला सापडतो.शाळेत असल्या पासून ते मॅट्रिक पर्यंत व त्यानंतरही आपल्याला असं सांगितलं जातं की आपली कर्तबगारी कशात आहे ते शोधा, आपण कोणत्या क्षेत्रात उत्तम काम करू त्याचा शोध घ्या. जीवनाचा सर्वसामान्य हेतू म्हणजे  आनंद आणि समाधान. जीवनातल्या रोजच्या संघर्षाला सामोरे जाताना आनंद शोधण्याची धडपड करण्यापेक्षा असलेल्या आयुष्यातच आनंद निर्माण करायला हरकत नाही. तसेच आपल्याकडे असलेल्या गोष्टींमध्ये स्वतःला शोधण्यापेक्षा आपल्याला आवडणाऱ्या गोष्टीमध्ये आपले अस्तित्व निर्माण करावे व स्वतःला घडवावे.

     स्वतःला घडविणे म्हणजे आपली नैतिक,मानसिक,भावनिक,बौद्धिक व शारीरिक क्षमता वाढविणे होय. त्याप्रमाणेच आपली सहवेदना(empathy) च्या मर्यादाही विस्तारित व्हायला हव्या. माणसाची माणूस म्हणून किंमत करायला शिकणं हे स्वतःला घडविण्याचे लक्षण. स्वतःला घडवायचे कसे? उत्तमोत्तम पुस्तकांचे वाचन, वाचलेले विचार आपल्या जगण्याशी जोडणे, आपल्या कामावर प्रेम करणं हे अतिशय साधे मार्ग. सर्वसामान्य माणूस हा असाच असतो. या साधेपणातच फार मोठी मनःशांती सामावलेली असते.

 इतरांच्या व स्वतःच्या चुकांमधून शिकणे हा स्वतःला घडविण्याचा उत्तम मार्ग! त्याचबरोबर या जगात संघर्षाशिवाय काहीही मिळत नाही म्हणून संघर्षातुन माणूस घडत असतो. संघर्ष हा माणसाचा परम मित्र व्हायला हवा. ज्या प्रमाणे चंदन उगाळल्यावर त्याचा सुगंध पसरतो त्याच प्रमाणे माणूस झीझल्यावर त्याचं कौशल्य वाढतं. संघर्ष हा कोणत्याच यशस्वी माणसाला चुकला नाही आणि ज्यांनी संघर्ष केला नाही त्यांनी आयुष्याची मजा घेतली नाही आपण आपल्या संघर्षावर प्रेम करावे त्याच प्रमाणे ज्या प्रकारे आमटेंनी नुसत्या वनाचं "आनंदवन" केलं. कावळा हा एकच पक्षी आहे जो गरुडाला चावा घेण्याचे धाडस करतो, तो गरुडाच्या पाठीवर बसतो आणि त्याच्या गळ्यावर चावा घेतो, परंतु गरुड त्याला प्रतिसाद देत नाही, कावळ्याशी लढा देत नाही किंवा कावळ्यावर आपला वेळ वाया घालवित नाही. फक्त त्याचे तो पंख उघडतो आणि आकाशात उंच उंच भरारी घेण्यास सुरवात करतो, खरं तर उड्डाण जितके जास्त होते, तितके श्वास घेणे कठीण जाते आणि मग ऑक्सिजनच्या अभावामुळे कावळा आपोआप कोसळतो.... माणसाने घडावे तर असे गरुडासारखे समंजसपणा, शांतता आणि, काग्रतेने परिपूर्ण असलेले.

इतरांविषयी चांगला विचार करणं, एवढंच नाही तर सरळ विचार करणेदेखील महत्त्वाचे! वाकडा विचार करू नये व नकारात्मकतेकडे जाऊच नये यासाठी आयुष्यातल्या घडामोडीकडे पाहण्याचा दृष्टिकोन सकारात्मक ठेवायला हवा. जीवनाच्या प्रत्येक टप्प्यावर आपल्याला शिकण्यासारखं बरंच काही ठेवलेल असतं. ते ज्ञान आपण आत्मसात करायला हवे आणि त्याला उपयोगात आणावे. आयुष्य ही अनंताकडून अनंताकडे जाणारी गोष्ट आहे .त्यामुळे तिचा शोध घेण्यात तथ्य फार थोडे. मग त्याऐवजी आपल्या कर्माने इतरांचे जीवन आनंदी करणं हा नक्कीच चांगला पर्याय आहे. त्या कर्मामध्येच आपल्याला आपला शोधही लागून जातो.

Vaishnavi Kathalkar.

S.Y.B.A. - Vaadasabha Member

(Secured Third Rank In Our In-house Essay Competition)

जागतिक महिला दिन!

हा केवळ उत्सव नाही, तर इतिहासाच्या पानांवर ठसठशीत उमटलेली एक खूण आहे—स्त्रियांनी मिळवलेल्या यशाची, स्वातंत्र्याची, आत्मसन्मानाची आणि अजूनही ...